Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms (Page 77)


I'm trying to wean myself off the Fentanyl patch. I went from 75 micro-gms to 50 now I'm on 25. Having a problem and not sure it is related to the decrease in the med. It's been 20 days on the 25 micro-gm and I'm going crazy. I need to keep rocking, moving in any way b/c my body is very restless. Is this a symptom of withdrawal and what do I do? I cannot take it any more.

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Thanks Stephendvd, I am tired of explaining my choices. When I retire in a few years my first goal is to get off these meds. I made it this far - I have to cross the finish line. If I stop now, what was it all for? I am working and will retire with my pension and benefits. Wish you could have done the same. I consider myself lucky and I am not stupid so I don't plan on letting it kill me in the remaining few years.
Good luck to you.

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Noone has answered my question. ....If Fentynal is Black Boxed by the FDA then why are they still prescribing this poison?

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Thx u sir . Wishing u well and Gods speed . Wish I could b there for ur retirement party . But then again might b for the best I cant LOL take care my friend

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Little coconut
They still giving it out because some ppl need a medication that strong just to try and have a normal life
I know I was on it and could do a lot of things I cant do now because I took my self off of it . But that was my choice ..

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My insurance was cutting out on me just like yours. I started calling the my insurance company. At first I didn't get any help, but then I was lucky enough to get ahold of a young lady who cared about my problem and when she dug into the reason they were ditching my patches, she told me that they had tried several times to contact my doctor to get information they needed but there was never anyone to take their call and no one ever returned their call. This happened on two medications. I had called my insurance company so many times that they confirmed by mail the problem with the doctors office. Don't misunderstand, I have the best pain management doctor there is. The glitch was just down the chain of command. But if i were you, i would call your insurance company and make sure you talk to someone who cares. Then if there is a problem similar to mine, maybe you can light a match like I did. That's my dimes worth of information. When you needed it you need it.

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Littlecoconut, a "black box" warning just means that there is a warning on the box and detailed instructions and information regarding side effects and proper usage included when you pick it up from the pharmacy. It is not considered "more dangerous" than before, it just guarantees that the proper instructions and warnings are included. It is dispensed as prescribed by your physician. A "black box" warning does not mean the medication is in danger of being taken off the shelves of your pharmacy. People tend to "freak out" but many meds carry the same kind of warnings as fentanyl. If your physician prescribes fentanyl duragesic it is because other medications have failed to be effective. As the patient you need to weigh the benefits vs the possible side effects and long term effects of using the medication. The warning sounds more serious than it really is when you consider how many medications have these warnings. I would assume that all controlled substances for pain management carry similar warnings. Nothing has changed.

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The FDA cannot black box a drug used by millions. That is ridiculous as most of what is written here lately.

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The truth is Duragesic is used and prescribed for severe, intractable pain. Physicians prescribe it for the terminally ill, and those who are disabled by pain.

You may find that others who are disabled by pain do have their benefits because either due to a work injury (myself) those measures are still available. One does not take a drug like this and work. In fact 3 SSA attorneys I recently spoke to said that makes you legally unemployable as you are a "liability" on medications of this nature.

That means if you slip, fall off your office chair eating a donut etc. their comp insurance and other legal issues will arise putting them in a very serious predicament.

Therefore, does your employer know you are on this medication? Have they had you sign a waiver for any issues that arise while at work on this medication?

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If anyone has a good pain specialist for a rare case I can die very soon; due to Dr. Famous in California ditching 30 out of state due to ole Jerry Brown heaping up regulations for us we were removed. On top of that I had to take my comp carrier back to court they jump on physician changes so they can kill me literally. I'm cheaper dead than alive.

Actually any state will work but after 10 years in Houston, TX with the best (now deceased) and then Dr. Famous 5 years in California I need a pronto doctor with balls and strength and some intellect would help :)

Due to P450 I must be on brand Duragesic and also liquid oxycodone for ultra rapid metabolizers. We do not do well with pills, we metabolize them in less than 15 minutes. They do us no good. So the provider must be ready, willing, and able. I was on 80 of 100 and 80 of 75 a month. My bill was over $25,000 a month. Now housebound, and on less than 30% of my dosage all benefit and stabilization are destroyed.

I'll take names now line up (smile).

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Pretty Pansy brings up a good point. My insurance requires pre-authorization for certain meds that has to be renewed every year. It's a pain because the office workers (not the doctors) don't always do the extra work and you assume your insurance is no longer covering the meds. I call the insurance company directly, get a direct line for the pre-authorization of meds and give it to the receptiionist. The first time may require more documentation but continuation is simpler. It also varies from one state to another. Interestingly, the medication that requires this is NOT a pain medication. Good luck, no one should be left without meds to face withdrawal "cold turkey". Let us know if it works out.

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I guess that's one of the reasons im glad I live just outside new Orleans and have the pain management doc I do.. no weekly or monthly drug panels used to write my scripts for 6 months at a time (saw him every six months) no problems if u needed something for brake thru pain or sleeping pills just call him. I guess its where ur at and who u have ur doc thru is how good he is and how knowledgable he is about ur needs

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Stephen I did send my information to Dr. Troy. I will go to Louisiana. I had to go to California for five years. Right now I could die within days without help. Would you be willing to pass along his name if he's still working?


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Not on an open chat like this.

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Little coconut, a black box warning just means that there will be information booklet about potential side effects and overdosing. There is also a warning on the outside of the box. It does not mean the product should be taken off the shelves of pharmacies. It's the equivalent of the Surgeon Generals warning on a pack of cigarettes. You don't even need a script to buy those!

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Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. I myself found to be in that position 11 months ago and I'm here to tell everyone. ..you can get off the patch, I did. The secret really is a combination. ..Hemp oil is #1 weather you believe it or not. I had my MRI few days ago and I was told yesterday that the huge tumor inside my spinal cord is GONE!! Yes it's a true miracle. Anyone who wants info about this just let me know....stay pain free my friend.

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Little coconut
I been off the patch over 2 weeks now quit cold turkey after being on it 3 yrs ( 150 mch every 48 hrs ) .. just took benadryl every day no w/ds at all .. im not saying everybody can do what I did I just have a really strong will ( thxs to uncle sam over 40 yrs ago ) and sometimes thats the first step

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Hemp oil does not remove spinal cord tumors this is a sales pitch. I'd bump the post. I would not suggest anyone thinking any product is suddenly going to remove a spinal cord tumor. If it disappeared then the initial test was wrong (mixed up with someone elses test so you should not have been in pain or needed Duragesic), or that was not what they saw initially at all. Just the thought of contacting people to sell natural products tells me scam sorry."little c."

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Don't worry im crazy not stupid. I don't really think hemp oil can remove anything myself someone just trying to make a sales pitch.. we use to call them snake oil salesman a long time ago. And in some places in La and south Tx they still tar and feather ppl like that LOL

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Sorry but you cannot convince me or intelligent people that hemp oil was responsible for the disappearance of a tumor on your spinal cord. It sickens me that people are using this forum to deceive others that are sick and in pain for their personal gain. Shame on you!!!

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I agree Hop. It might relieve some symptoms but it won't remove the tumor. So many people are trying it. It's crazy. I'd also like to get back on to the subject of Fentanyl. We need to get awareness out there about it.

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