Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms (Page 5)
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I'm trying to wean myself off the Fentanyl patch. I went from 75 micro-gms to 50 now I'm on 25. Having a problem and not sure it is related to the decrease in the med. It's been 20 days on the 25 micro-gm and I'm going crazy. I need to keep rocking, moving in any way b/c my body is very restless. Is this a symptom of withdrawal and what do I do? I cannot take it any more.

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That's interesting, I've never heard of anyone's drugstore requiring that you return the used patches before they give you your new prescription. Just another in a long list of reasons to get off the stupid things. It's hard enough to get your prescription every month and get it filled, even when you have insurance and a good relationship with your doctor.

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I came down at 12 mcg at a time was completely off with no problems in 2
3 month easy done

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I too was on 150 mcg every 72 hrs. I was on this for ten years! It totally screwed me up. I was a zombie the whole time and missed out on so much because I just wasn't there mentally. I have come off all patches too. This happened only because I was sick and went to hospital and they took me off everything cold turkey. I was lucky to be there for this to happen. You do find out that you didn't need them at all and will feel so much better off it. Also my drugstore requests the used patches back before you get your renewal.

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Well, I first posted in this thread in Jan 2014, after being on the patches for 11 years at that point in time. Like most everyone, I found this thread while looking for help and info to get off the patches. Everything I found indicated that short of an expensive rapid detox center, or dying, plus the best solution was just to taper down over time. My PCP also confirmed that if I wanted to get off of the patches, his solution would be to just start gradually reducing my level over time. Well, I could achieve the same thing on my own and at my own pace by simply cutting the patches to the desired size (I use the Mylan brand, do not attempt with any brand that has the gel filled pouch).

When I started in Jan 2014 I was at 200Mcg every 48 hours (though I had my own regimen of 100mcg every 24 hours instead, as the dose was more even, although I used the same number of patches as I was prescribed every month). I strongly felt that I didn't need anywhere near that much, so I opted to try cutting my dosage in half to start off with. I suffered no major withdrawals, just loss of appetite and general lack of energy. Obviously that was a major jump, so I remained at that dosage for months while my body completely adjusted.

Over the following two years I tapered down very slowly to avoid major withdrawals. The reason I took such a long time when I'm sure I could've done it much faster was two fold. First, I had accumulated about 150 of my 100mcg patches during the first 6 or so months that I was tapering, so I had plenty of patches. And second, I didn't want to suffer withdrawals, having been through them before upon release from the hospital, after being on a very strong Dilaudid regimen for over a month on two separate occasions.

As of last month I was cutting the last of my 100mcg patches into 15 roughly even pieces of around 6-7 mcg, and continuing to put on one of those patches every 24 hours like I have for the last several years, instead of twice that size every 48 hours. Throughout all of this time I continued to suffer a loss of appetite and general lethargy, but never much more than that, even when I would step down my dose. I did have some tingling in my feet the last month or two though.

About 8 or 9 days ago I decided I was going to try and not put on any more patches, even though I still had a month or two worth's left. Somewhat to my surprise, I had no significant withdrawals over the next few days other than a bit of restless leg syndrome, but nothing major. No nausea, major aches, abdominal pain etc.. I also am not using ANY other pain meds to replace the patches or stave off withdrawals. i did however take half of a Clonazepam for a couple nights, starting the first night that I skipped my patch. Probably didn't need it, but it was nice to sleep good those nights anyway.

So anyway, I took that last tiny patch off about 6 days ago, and I'm COMPLETELY patch and Opioid free (as well as ALL medication), for the first time in 13 years, since a near fatal skydiving accident. I now know that definitely do not need the patches to treat any of my accident related pain, but of course you have no way of knowing that when you're on the patches, and you can't simply hop off of them to see what your pain level is, since the withdrawals themselves cause incredible pain and suffering. I can't say that I feel great yet, and I'm sure it will take my body quite a while to completely adjust to not having Fentanyl in my system after well over a decade on a VERY strong dosage, but it feels great to be free after being enslaved for so long by these stupid things. Everyone who's been on them for a while knows what I'm talking about. Just having to stress every month about getting your prescription, getting it filled, and making sure you don't lose your insurance and that they'll continue to cover it, creates a huge amount of stress.

For those of you out there that are in the same boat myself and so many others were in, I hope this offers a little inspiration and motivation that you CAN get off of these things, even insanely large dosages like the 200mcg/48 hours that I was on for so many years, and you don't need help from anyone to do it. You just need time, patience, and willpower. I'm sure you can safely wean yourself off a similar or lower dosage within 3-6 months with minimal discomfort if you need to do it that fast. Of course I recommend consulting with your PCP or Pain Management doctor if you have one before you attempt to wean off of them, this is just how I chose to do it. As to what you may need to do to deal with your original symptoms once you're off the patches, you'll have to re-evaluate where you are physically once you're off of them, and truly see how much pain medication or other treatment you may actually need.

Good luck to everyone who's dealing with these horrible things!

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I've been absent from this thread for about 18 months because I couldn't find it, but I just wanted to say that I'm really happy for you Yvonne. I started weaning off 200mcg/48 hours just over 2 years ago, and I'll be posting my own update in a few minutes.

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Same thing happened to me. My Maltese puppy somehow managed to find a small used patch (who knows where or how), and chewed on it. I didn't discover the patch until I did a thorough search after we rushed her to the vet, but I strongly suspected it was the cause based on her symptoms, so I wasn't surprised when I found it. She was treated with (I believe) charcoal to absorb the fentanyl, and IV fluids, and was fine within 12 hours, but she was in VERY bad shape when we took her to the vet. The used discarded patches can be very dangerous to small pets (this was roughly 25mcg), so please be extra careful when disposing of them, and DEFINITELY get your pet to a vet immediately if you suspect they've gotten ahold of discarded patch (some symptoms are extreme lethargy, inability to walk, can't focus their eyes, loss of bowel control). I would suggest storing your discarded patches in a Ziploc.

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There seems to be a misunderstanding about Fentanyl patches and their morphine content. The Fentanyl 50 patches only contain 8.25 mg of active fentanyl. It sounds o me that on here you are believing Fentanyl 50 contains 50mg of the active ingredient. This is not true! Do READ THE PAMPHLET THAT COMES WITH FENTANYL so that you are more informed. Especially when comparing Fentanyl with other medicaments.

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Just posting an update. I realize 25mcg/hour is not a very high dosage, but when my brother died I had a hard time with everything. I was given ambien to help me sleep. That stuff messed me up pretty badly! I couldn't even remember when to change my patches, and was going through nicotine withdrawal....whoa! It really got ugly for a few days. Finally was able to collect myself and and have quit smoking, beginning to sleep better, and I have cut my fentanyl dose down to half of the 25 mcg patch for 72 hours.

My problem with the fentanyl is that it scares me to think of being so dependent on a drug that can be yanked out from under me at any time. I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to a lifetime of dependency on this stuff. I know there are other meds, but with the same ultimate dependency. I'm in pain, yes. Hell, I've been in pain for years. But this dr seems only to care about how many people he can get into his office at a time without a riot breaking out. Refuses to help with any pain that the 25 mcg doesn't cover. I'm through with him and being treated like a common street addict.

Question is, will I have considerable withdrawals from this dosage level, or do I need to continue to taper?

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So where is HOP and Stephen? Very interesting.

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Why are you on LA prn?

That is antagonistic to good pain management.

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I detoxed exactly one year ago cold turkey from 100 mcg patches. Tell your 'mind' you tell it what to think! Change or rewire your brain (mindset) dr Caroline Leaf and Brad Yates (EFTs) helps. you can find their videos on YouTube. I am on Vicodin 10 mg four times a day and MS 15 mg at bedtime as needed! I hate chronic gut and bodily pain. My life changed so drastically!!! I am praying for you! Remember this too shall pass! You will be fine!!!

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I'd like an update, remember I just suggested to taper one patch change to see how quickly it hits if you try to go off for the weekend. I know you are dope sick and that is not what I want for you at all. Knowing your situation allows the empathy for I too believed in the physician (now deceased) who put me on Duragesic. I'd still be his patient if he did not evolve to renal carcinoma and a sudden death. On the other hand I like Stephen see the great faults with the drug.

One thing I do suggest; never stop pain management for family--if you have an adverse reaction to one drug then work closely with your physician and have a list of the bad effects with you so you have two legs to stand on when you ask for a change. If you stop medication for family when you are not even tolerant to medication and are still drowsy, or not yourself there is no opportunity for quality of life which YOU deserve.

HOP lets hear from you girl.

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Ultram is a highly dangerous drug and a mixed agonist antagonist. It raises you to high seizure threshold; if you have cardiac or COPD issues you are taking a huge risk in particular during withdrawal--it does nothing for Fentanyl withdrawal other then cause other issues some of which are life threatening. Again you never mentioned where you wore your patch(s) because when you have good blood flow (mine are around my renal area and there is excellent blood flow there) there is no way in hell even on a 25 mcg/hour taper that you would not feel it. Now perhaps with the threat of a marriage miracles occur but if you talk to anyone on this drug for any period of consistency over 2 weeks they are deathly ill.

No chemistry or part of Ultram emulates any of the receptors that Fentanyl touches in the brain. In fact Fentanyl receptors are so specific your brain recognizes is and you could pop Oxycodone every hour and not get relief if you go off this drug cold. I again would not recommend any such action without a physician's approval.

Clonidine is used in general for withdrawal but if you are someone for example who runs low BP it's a risk and I've seen people use it when Dr. Hochman was alive to switch from one opioid to another.

Did you get flooded down where you are at? We are still handling high winds and flooding here. I even had to turn the heat on last night. Hope all is well Stephen but if that's what he gives to help with withdrawal you were safer doing it your way.

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Fed up if u want to get off fentanyl .. I got off C/D but when my doctpr found out what I did he told me if I would have told I wanted off he would have gave me a scrip for tramadol . Is what they use to help with w/d from fentanyl

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I would be glad to become friends as I said I sense we share a lot.

Now just go to home and I post on the top 10 trending posts there are thousands of posts going on here. Because I'm a medical professional I just found this site looking for a link for pain specialists when my crap hit the fan. I've referred over 10,000 suicidal pain patients throughout the world since my injury--and I automatically started doing this here I have private pain support groups but put them into INERTIA since one of my adult daughters was killed in a MVA 3 years ago.

I too am a grandmother. I'm just thinking there may be some posts you would like that are people still on the patch and doing well but not a one of us on Duragesic remains without tolerance. The tolerance is immediate within 2 weeks you will face what reduction does. I learned the hard way in 2002 pre anterior cervical fusion I thought I'd cut back and just did it like you would with pills. OMG it was hell. And this was a mere 25 mcg/hour for every 7 to 10 days. I was so ill and so wasted out just reducing I wanted to die... But you were put on this post and will get some benefit from this one. Just saying. But in the next few days I must get a physician.

I was very pissed when the enemies from comp were emailing my famous physician in California that is where s*** hit the fan. Then he wanted to keep me but found he was reducing me to first generic (I am highly allergic to the glues and fillers on this generic all of them), and then only 5% my normal dosage which in all his scholarly writing would cause me death. So I fought like hell and also won on August 19, 2015 under the Commission against the Attorney General. But their game was to appeal thinking they do not have to pay in the interim it's all ILLEGAL they literally sent me to a QUACK flew me to another state who told me he was doing neuro diagnostics and had me inhale from a bottle I found out later when the driver picked me up in Houston and I was vomiting blood and bile (5 trash bags full) and he called the comp lady she said "dump her where she lives don't take her to the ER" they had tried to kill me.

Yes that is a bit along with me being on far too little medication of why I am in a mood or there abouts...

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Fed Up,

For your benefit continue with him and stockpile we can work this out somehow or another. Further you should have had a morphine PUMP with the breast surgery PLUS your patches acute pain is not the same as chronic. You will have a rough time nonetheless if I do not get a physician soon I will die due to the new FDA rules my famous physician from California let 30 out of state clients go cold. Since I have 100% medical award for comp for life (am a professional nurse) and must keep some of my business quiet since they are now sending private investigators and nearly killed me a few months ago intentionally long long story.

My good news is they are reinstating my SSDI since WC did not pay my transport for over 17 years I'd try to take Director of Nursing jobs get fired in a month or so due to my level now of Central Pain Syndrome which is terminal I can die at any time; the local SSA decided to deny me after all these years. I have had a rough time just got a letter today from Philadelphia and it looks like I am getting reinstated. At least for the provisional period from what I know they in 99.9% of cases keep you going if you ask for this process.

We can stockpile your 25's and I'd like you to talk to your other physicians. If I could go back and NEVER go on Duragesic I would; also if you are on brand it is better, there is MORE Fentanyl in those patches; the generics are allowed to do up to 47% LESS OPIOIDS.

I feel for you darlin' and like your strength.

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P450, the depression was bad several years ago. Pain management has improved my state of mind. Truthfully I should have applied for disability several years ago. It's harder to qualify now than it was then. Everyone is turned down initially and then you have to try again. Making it through until payments start is scary. If I could finish and get my pension I would be much better off financially. If I am cut off from medications suddenly that will never happen. Several years ago, my primary care, MD Osteopath was questioned by FEDS and lost ability to prescribe pain medication. That's how I wound up with 4 different doctors, one being pain management. The rules are constantly changing without warning. It's scary for people that depend on doctors to have any quality of life.

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P450, we may be more alike than I originally thought. Will check out earlier posts you submitted. I wanted to see an out of state Dr that required a 1 month visit. He had a "deal" with a local hotel. Pain management guru that almost guarantees to end your need for meds after treatment. Couldn't get into program over summer. Have to work Sept-June. Of course no insurance accepted. Worst of all, my daughter is a RN in his practice. I see 4 Drs. 2 do not accept my insurance. I have multiple diagnoses but as I said have managed to continue working. The challenge is getting bigger as I finally approach the home stretch. I didn't realize this forum was about withdrawal. I thought it was general postings about Fentanyl. The system has failed me, I realize this. I just wanted to keep going until retirement. I have a grandchild now. I love to go to the park with him even though it exhausts me. I am afraid of getting off fentanyl even though it is my goal. If I am late in applying patch, restless legs are insane. Literally jumping all over the place. The sweats and chills are unbearable. I know these symptoms are only the beginning. Have considered going to rehab but I am not an addict just a naive person tricked into believing medication could solve my pain problems and give me some kind of life back. If it's as bad as you say, not sure I can do it. My husband doesn't have the patience, my kids are grown and out of the house. Can't risk their judgemental thinking or I could lose visits with my grandchild. So I will read your posts, sorry for the misunderstandings but I was brainwashed like so many others.

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Yes, the 25mcg/hr is my normal dosage. I had never been to a pain clinic before this and I didn't know what it meant when I agreed to use the patches. Now I have a tolerance to the dose, but would much prefer to try something less "lethal." He took me straight from oxy's, 10mgs tid to this. I don't understand why he didn't try some other combination first. It does keep me going back month after month though.

My cancer is under control and I didn't need chemo, thank goodness! I do have an oncologist, and a primary care physician too. Someone IS going to help me get off of this stuff! I was stunned when my dr at the pain clinic refused to do anything. He basically let me know that I lived in his world now. SMH. He's a different breed alright, pompous and arrogant. Never been treated like this before. I agree that I probably need to continue my appts there. I certainly don't want to piss him off and get kicked out of his program.

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You know what I like you because you remind me of myself although I learned many years ago every time I tried the pain got worse---perhaps its the DNA (P450) and I just can't do it then to have SSA turn on me the local branch WHO never gets involved, these f***ers cannot even spell when you are asked "what disorders" and you say stenosis for example oh my Gawd.

My first doctor who I had for 10 years Dr. Joel Hochman was encouraging he wanted us to get new roles in life he wanted to become empowered. When I ended up with Dr. Famous I did not meet the rules; you must have a family member come with you, he expects you to stay in a hotel for 3 days at a time every month your first 5 or 6 months. WHO THE F has that money? Who, not me? Does that mean he caters only to the rich? Well he charges a flat $200 no matter how many days but not to give away more new friend I will just say to dump 30 of us from out of state, and then my dirty comp employer gets him back and the new treatment plan is after 20 years of not paying mileage meaning I am flying to both these guys for all that time I had to to try to work; I do executive nursing (CNO or DON) I'd get fired in a month for the pain on ALL THAT MEDICATION would still deteriorate me, but if you're not present you do not get medication and you lose your medical award....You get what I've been living with.

People who are feeling either horrific from withdrawal from Duragesic because they were addicts and abused the drug, their physicians are a**holes and know nothing of prolonged withdrawal that can cause you to have a myocardial infarction or cerebral vascular event just let these people suffer or cut them off when it takes or has taken me (and put me in kidney failure) 10 months to cut from 8 patches a day to the paltry amount I'm on now and that is ONLY DUE TO ME putting aside 10% for several years, or worse the current government CONTROL of the medical industry.

Like I said I was born in Jersey, I cannot be bad; grew up there, and first husband was from up north. I used to be a Yankee too; but we have the best care in the world in Texas; but HOP the withdrawal from this is ongoing. Instead of feeling better say on day 3 you are WORSE, by day 10 with a 25 mcg/hour TAPER over 7 to 10 days you want to kill yourself. The physical and emotional death you suffer coming down off this s*** is unbelievable; Duragesic and Methadone (created by Hitler's scientists in the 30's for they had a shortage of poppy) are the WORST drugs to try to get off of.

I've posted a load of posts. So you see if you go to home page scroll down a ways I usually post on 90% of the top posts. This one is on withdrawal but you know God may have wanted to help you by posting on this one :)

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