Fentanyl Vs Percocet For Chronic Pain
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I live with severe chronic pain for 3+ years, degenerative disc disease, cervical spine. Life is at times and quite often, hell. I don't know how else to describe it and the worst if the constipation from the percocets. Are the fentanyl patches a reasonable alternative to percocets? Do they cause constipation? Should my doctor consider prescribing me patches to try? Cannabis by the way has helped me reduce my opioid intake my 75%. Do a search for beyondthc and find out the facts. Unfortunately my pain is more severe and so a combination has helped me do this major reduction, however the constipation is still a problem. Help!

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I have had a 4 disc fusion. L2-L3 to L5-S1. I also have stenosis in my thoracic area with 5 bulging discs. I am taking a 100mg fentanyl patch and 4 10-32 percocets a day. There are many times this does not help, but most of the time they do. I have a very high tolerance to pain medicine so I think it might affect me less than you, but who knows. I was consuming marijuana at night to help me sleep. I live in NM and have a medical marijuana card, but in TX it's not legal for anything and my doctor said I had to stop since he in is in TX. It helped me sleep a lot. Going to talk to him next time and find out how can I continue having marijuana. I am having a harder time sleeping without it. Regarding constipation, I just went today after waiting 5 days. I take a stool softener daily and it helps a lot. I am going to start taking 2 a day-1 morning & 1 night. Try that for now. If that does not help I'll take a laxative daily. Good luck.

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Hi Tudo,

Sorry to hear about your complications with Percocet. From what I could gather, Fentanyl patches list the following gastrointestinal related side effects:

stomach pain

Unfortunately, there's really no way of knowing ahead of time how you'll end up responding to Fentanyl with regards to any of it's potential side effects; but there is always hope when it comes to trying something new.

Fentanyl on the other hand is probably going to be much more potent than Percocet, judging from other reviews here. None the less, I would suggest further discussing that option with your doctor just to make sure that you're choosing the most appropriate alternative pain medication, among other possible options.

Cannabis is a great option, like you had mentioned; but you can even take that to the next level by actually "juicing" the entirety of the hemp plant (root, buds, leaves, etc) for optimal health benefits. I didn't check to see if this information is in the webpage you referenced, but perhaps that's something you can do more research on. You may not feel euphoria from it, but it has a myriad of healing properties when used in it's raw form.

I hope this advice helps!

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