Fentanyl Transdermal Patches (Page 3)
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I've been using the 100mcg/hr of Fentanyl Patches and I've been using them for a long time. They stick well and they last almost 3 days and I'm prescribed every 2 days, so I get extra relief by putting the new one on @48 hrs with the first one stil on; and I take 100mg of roxicodone, but the pain still is killing me and I've looked on the internet at the Patch by Par drugs, has anyone used this brand and would you give me a critique on them; how long do they last? do they stay on well?? I get my script of 9 boxes Monday and I need to make a decision.


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It dosent show unless specifically tested for, my doctor actually thought I wasn't using my script and yelled at me, I googled it and said test me again right now.

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Insane pain,
I do not have cancer, I am sorry that you do. However I do suffer from chronic pain on a daily basis that began over 20 years ago. The fentanyl duragesic patches have been a life saver for me. I am not satisfied with the Par generic patch that I am forced to use due to insurance. I like the Mylan patches. My body temperature is usually around 97.1 but varies. The delivery system is not as effective for me. I am not a drug seeker looking for a high. I have never abused prescription or any other drug. I am offended by your post. If I was not in constant pain I would never choose to use any medication. My life as I knew if was taken from me, just as I am sure yours was due to cancer. Please do not assume because someone is not terminally ill that they go to doctors seeking prescription meds to get high. I have never tried to "eat" the patch or misuse in anyway. There is a huge difference between drug abusers and people that depend on prescription pain meds so they can hold a full-time job and take care of their family on a daily basis.

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I have been on Duragesic Fentanyl, then insurance had to ho to a generic. I was using the Watson brand for past several yrs. without any problems. Now it seems No one can get this brand from the manufacturer. I just got Par and they are by far not big as the Watson and they are not the huge bandade size matrix brand that caused me to have eithdrawls & intence pain. They work fine and I have severe chronic neuralgia from Cancer surgery. Shame on you people who ty to use the strongest pain meds available for recreational high. It's people like you that "eat" or God knows what to abuse this medication, that makes it hard for us who desperately need this medication just to barely funtion. This still has the gel and lasts almost 72 hrs like they are supposed to.

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I use the Watson Brand. I change every 72 hrs.. My fave brand.. They stay on really well even after shower.. Wall Mart carries this brand..

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D-ironically I discovered that I live in the same state and county where Par pharmaceutics is located. No wonder they are the least expensive for my insurance company to cover. Surprised they don't want me to pick
them up in person lol.

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where are you located?

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The tegaderm covers are not large enough to cover the 75mcg/hr Par patches. The Mylan patches were much smaller. In the event one was not sticking the tegaderm did the trick. I have tried using 2 tegaderm covers; one on the right half, one on the left but they still do not stay put. It is very frustrating.
For the record Matt, pain is serious. People with drug seeking behaviors should not be posting here. We are using prescription pain meds prescribed by pain management Drs. just to get through the day. Anyone looking for a recreational high should not be posting comments here. It insults the people suffering with chronic pain.

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Not sure why, coarse if your trying to get drugs. Fent does not release like that, that fast. If takes 12-24 hours to get into you body. That's why I never count the first day. And I make sure I use the 75mcg for 2 full days. Take it off the following day.

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I agree that the Par Pharmaceutical Fentanyl Patches are terrible. I have used Mylan brand for several years. The Par patches do not stay on even with tegaderm covers and medical tape. As soon as I sweat, they slide off my skin. Changes in drug coverages prohibit me from getting the Mylan patches with the medication in the adhesive. I do not like the reservoir style patch as it does not seem to be absorbed as consistently. The adhesive needs to be improved.

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PAR is the worst Fent. That I have used and I have been on two-75 every three days. Kroger sells this brand. I do not like this PAR brand as they are much larger and they do not stick. They are the worst I have had.

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Mine stick perfectly, and only 50mcg works for my worst pain. Must USE TEGADERM TAPE NO OTHER TAPE WORKS. HAVE YOUR PHAM ORDER THEM IF THEY DON'T HAVE THEM. Most pharmacys have them. I'm not going be on any breakthrough right now but I'm going wait and see how many times and how often. Then I will take a low dose of anything but oxys. Oxys are strong but not worth the fast tolerance, the nasty withdrawal. So if at all cost use that tape no other. I have even gotton mine wet, indirectly and it stayed and I litterly had to peel and pull my patch off. I do think your taking way to many breakthroughs. To many of these cause what is called rebound pain, it makes your pain worse. For some reason no one what's to believe this. I had to get off all pills and I have been on everything. My pain was getting worse, I was like what is going on. So I got off all the pills, got on patches and my pain is controlled. Think about how much meds your taking.

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*correction... sorry, i typed duragesic as a reservoir in my nprecious post and that was an accident. also, sometimes brands change their delivery systems without notice, so i always chack with the pharmacist that it's the gel-type patch when i get my prescription filled. since they work so much better, it's important i get the right ones. it could be a miserable month otherwise. some people like the matrix type better. good luck

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i've been on the patch for many years for a serious medical disability, so i have some experience with the different types of fentanyl. the brands i've had with the reservoir, or gel, are duragesic, par, actavis, sandoz, and watson. the mylan brand is more like a sticker, where the medication isnin the glue and there's no gel. for me, the reservoir type works much better. i don't notice a huge difference betweenbrands, but i like watson, duragesic, and par.
i'm on 100 mcg, but i replace the patch every 48 hours. it never lasts until the third day and this is common. if you find yourself in pain after day 2, ask your doctor and he or she may give you 15 a month instead of 10. this made a huge difference in my pain management. i also take 4mg of dilaudid for breakthrough pain, but the fentanyl does the heavy lifting. pain is miserable, and i hope you find the relief you need. good luck.

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actavis is no longer around its only watson now they merged. watson, par, and duragesic by jenssen are the resivoir type. also Sandoz if you can find them.

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I'm trying to stay off opiates since I've been on pain meds for vulvar cancer. I smoke marijuana and can not pee for myself,my questions are...Can you place a patch in clean urine so the urine test shows positive for fentanyl? And, I have seen some posts saying fentanyl DOESNT show up in a dipstick urine test,I need to know if this is true or will Fentanyl show up?

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I use Actavis Pharmaceuticals for my Fentanyl Patch. It is a resevoir type. I've tried the so called "matrix type" where the drug is in the glue. I could not tell that I had apply a patch. So, I go with the Resevoir type. It works great for me. Thanks to all of the postees. If anyone has any questions, I've attended the school of hard knocks and would be glad any questions

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Thanks, I found I had a bad batch or something, I got my next refill and it was back to it's usual great quality

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Which did you end up getting?

Learn more Fentanyl details here.

While you can ask the opinion of others, what it really comes down to is which one works best for you and that can be a matter of trial and error.

And if you have a problem with them not staying on, there are solutions for that, they do sell overlays now that can help.

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You really don't want to use the patch by Par. Its just like a sticky adhesive on the back of the patch that contains the medicine. It doesnt work great for me. I usually stick with the Mylan brand, but If i can get the Johnson & Johnson I would rather have it. It actually stays on better and lasts longer. The Mallinrockdt brand is terrible, i wouldn't recommend to anyone.

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Can anyone tell me all the manufactures of Fentanyl with the resovoir gel? Was using actavis and it bearly last 45 hrs.

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