Fentanyl 25 Patches
UpdatedPlease let me know the gel brands for fent 25 patches. I always used PAR and now I guess they are obsolete. I'm in northern virginia and I hate the foil backed ones as they are like gum when they get wet and then a ball of gook. I could handle the little tiny ones that are non gel but I they too aren't very sticky once they get wet. The gel ones, I can take off when I shower and stick them back on their plastic and re-stick. I wear them on my hip wear my underwear elastic is and worse case scenerio, I put a bandaid over it if the sticky isn't very sticky. Thank you for any names of gel 25's that I can ask my pharmacy to order without sounding like I'm desperate lol
1 Reply
Two pharmacies near Woodbridge VA, attempted to order the PAR brand and came back to say they couldn't get them. For 5 years I've had the gel reservoir kind and just settled for Mylan. Issue was --it fell off last night because of being so small and I desperately had to search my floor so my dog wouldn't find it first. The sticky is not very good and I can't even tell if I'm wearing it or not as I think they're not as effective as the gel kind. The gel's, I knew within an hour of putting one on my side of hip, my pain would subside. These Mylan's seem to take longer and because I don't want it getting wet with as shower, i take it off and once it's removed- forget it. Sticky-- no more. So I try putting it on the top or bottom of my foot with a bandaid and cover with a sock.
Does anyone know of generic or brand names of Fent 25mcgs that can be purchased or ordered at any pharmacy in Northern Virginia so I can get the fast relief as I've been used too and actually "know" when it is on or off? I generally could take it off before a shower, put it back on its plastic backing and know that the sticky would still work, my pain relief would be fast and "IF" for any reason it happened to come off, I'd know it before my dog finds it. Wearing it on my hip with clothes having a waistband kept it in place and by the time my body heat warmed it up, the sticky actually would adhere to my skin even after removal.
Just really sucks that abusers make manufacturers change formulas without preparing us for the change. I am truly convinced these small Mylan kind aren't worth the sticky that's on them. It's almost like I am only wearing a placebo-- okay, so I put 2 on. Pain relief after hours later but doc will be pissed that I did that. Where before a 50mcg gel reservoir kind would make me sick and I asked to downsized to 25mcg. Now I feel like these crappy new ones, I'll have to ask for 50mcgs again and I don't want to go down that path. Having my regular prescription with gel reservoir could not only give me quicker relief, but knowing I could take it off and put it away in its original packaging IF I didn't absolutely need it or taking it off for showering and knowing the sticky will work and with its size--I feel it absolutely when it's on or off. You people that cover it with the whatever plastic tape cover, is not for me because I have sensitive skin and can't deal with a rash or itching or dirt and lint, etc getting around the edging.
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