Fentanyl 12 Withdrawal
UpdatedPain clinic increased the fentanyl from 12 to 25 and now I finally back down to 12mcg. Took the patch off today (I'd rather have pain than fentanyl). I am still having skin crawling, restless legs symptoms with each step to decrese the dose. I want to be off this horrible drug and go back to work. How long will the symptoms last?
Also, the fentanyl has made me very emotional, and decreased my mental alertness. I have been forgetful and can not evn remember the first few weeks I was put on the patch. Is this medication this awful for all or am I just a rare case?
The medicain was prescribed by a PA when my ortho surgeon was out of town. After only three weeks, I was having physical withdrawal symptoms between patches and when I tried to tke it off, I was in pretty bad shape.
Thanks for any advice on how to ease the withdrawal symptoms. The pain doctor is offering no alternative to the patch. I will just learn to live with the pain. Fentanyl should never be utilized for short term narcotic need. I was recovering from a proximal humerus fracture (3 breaks). And, I have spent more time trying to get off the fentanyl than I have spent rehabbing my arm.
8 Replies
Actually, the symptoms you've described can be side effects of any narcotic analgesic, it's just that they aren't that common, not many people experience them.
However, you aren't alone. I had very similar problems with them, which is why after finally getting off of them several years ago, I am not very careful to only use them for a short period of time, when desperately needed.
I really don't have any tips for easing the withdrawal symptoms, but what I can tell you is that the worst of them only last a few days and the annoying lingering ones, such as fuzzy head and memory issues will last about a month.
I went cold turkey off high doses of Morphine and Oxycodone.
Learn more Fentanyl details here.
Have you tried asking your doctor for assistance? They will probably have ideas that can help.
I was on the Duragesic Fentanyl 100mcg. patch for about 6 months. I couldn't stay awake, and my family members got tired of seeing me so "out of it" all of the time. I remember very little of that 6 month period. It's like I lost 6 months of my life. That's one drug that I can NOR recommend except for dying cancer patients.
What you are describing is common to just about every user of Fentanyl.I can tell you with seriousness.This drug will work wonders for chronic pain but increasing in its strentgh can spiral out of control.I have had spinal surgery and discectomy of the cspine the neck my back is pretty much shot with multiple fractures.Over ten years ago i was prescribed this drug because of a severe addiction to Oxycontin 80mg for times per day.The widthdrawals you are experiencing is common and can be very gastly indeed.I would suggest to not stop cold turkey because the experience is like no other.It is the flue 100times worse and you simply would rather wish for death.I was on 200 every 48 hours and now i am on 75 every 48 hours.The side effects differ from person to person.I am nearing 50 and I need this medicine to keep my emotional as well as pain under control.I will state to u do not drink coffee after you stop because the caffeine makes your heart jump and with the added stress on your body from lack of fentanyl will be horrendous.Believe me I have tried and tried for years to want to quit this drug but it cannot be done.Intense therapy is highly recommended and lots of water and juices but not orange juice or grapefruit.You might also try a bit of gravol to prevent some sickness but it is not the cure.I dont recomend stopping cold turkey for the reasons i have explained but my pharmacist told me what would u prefer rolloing around in agony for a month or being somewhat comfortable .I explained I prefer comfort.Opiates are a very bad but good treatment for chronic pain and unfortunately it is too late for me.I know i would probably die from the sudden stop and a horrible death will be certain.What concerns me and others as well is that when prescribed this medicine it is like a fish hook once caught getting away is near impossible.You should not be alone for at least 7days because of the horrible and i mean horrible side effects.Good Luck to you all the best from Canada
Bryan. I was on the Fenanyl patch for about 1 year. I was prescribed 100mcg patch to be changed every 48 hours. I could not function at all while on the patch. I was constantly nodding off, sleeping 12-15 hours a night, and had the skin crawling effect almost all day long. The way I took myself off was to trim about 1/8th of each new patch that I put on until I was totally off. I had very minimal withdrawal symptoms. My pain management doctor at the time didn't like the way I did this, but it did work for me. It is always wise to check with your doctor before you start to decrease your dosage, as I am not a physician. I hope that this information helps you out. Be careful!! PS. I did end up with severe restless leg syndrome once I was off the patch for about 2 weeks. It did eventually go away.
I must be very different because i am on 75 mcg and this medicine doesnt not throw me for a loop or anything...i only notice when my levels drop and then put a new patch on i get tired from putting the high dose back in my body but then i am fine. Also i can tell exactly when my levels drop ...my sleeping is screwed up and i get sick and then headaches so that tells me my levels are dropping . But i have been on this med for years and when i put a new ptach on and hit the Peak time i am bouncing off the walls and get allot of stuff done then level out within an hour or two
I'm glad that the patch works for you. Everybody's bodies react differently to pain meds. What works for me might have the complete opposite reaction for someone else. The generic Opana's work the best for me. Oxymorphone is a very potent opioid but not as strong as Fentanyl. I just could not function on the patch. In fact, there are about 3 months while on Fentanyl that I can't remember a single thing during that time period. If it's working for you Steve, stay on it!!
I'm so sorry you've had such a tough time. My sister says she has trouble every time she reduces the dosage. I am allergic to all nsaids so narcotics are my only option. My body was used to Percocet before going onto Fentanyl so perhaps that makes a difference but I have never had any of the reactions others post on here and if off the Fentanyl a few days all I ever notice is gradually escalating pain. I have been on these meds for over 9 years now and wouldn't be able to work and be functional without them.
I was on 75 mcg for a yr. I only felt pain relief, no side effects at all ither than constipation which is easily cured.
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