Femilon - Side Effect (Page 2) (Top voted first)
Updatedi started using femilon for last 20 days due to my irregular periods and PCOS problem. (i have one son 5 years old), so doctor prescribed me femilon for 2 months to make my periods normal. but from the day one, am having more emotional problems, i become more anger, easily depressed but very active when compared to pre-tablet days...am getting good sleep from 9:30 pm but wake up sharp at 4am itself, which is a very new type of biological clock after femilon please help me if i can continue with this tablet?
Re: priya (# 9)
I have a menstrual problem... Mere 2 month periods off tha... Next 3 th month started my period but not stop... 1 month thak period ho raha tha.. then my doctor suggest me femilon.. 1 khane s mera period next day mein off ho gaya.. Thank you femilon.
Re: singh (# 2)
I too have same symptom breathlessness
Emotionally weak , getting anger for no reason, bloating,mentally imbalanced..
Does hair loss due to femilon (side effects) stop on its own once the femilon is discontinued? Or should it be treated?
I have taken an extra tab of femilon that was supposed to be for tomorrow. Will it affect my course of treatment? This is the last month that I am taking femilon for treating a functional cyst.
I ate all 21 pills of femilon by mistake. Now I am very worried. Will it affect my health badly?
Can I use femilion for half a year? Can it cause breast cancer? I've taken it for 2 months already. I'm 41 and had been advised to take femilion for uterine bleeding.
I used to experience excruciating period pain so my doctor put me on Femilon for 6 months. Though the pain has disappeared, my breasts feel tender and heavy. At times, there is a slight pain. Is it because of the medicine? Should I consult my doctor?
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