UpdatedI Was taking Felodur 2.5 mg without any trouble, My doctor increased it to 5mg I am now getting bad headache and nausea, Can anyone tell me if this is a common side effect and if it will pass thank you.
6 Replies
Felodur contains the active ingredient Felodipine, it is primarily used to treat high blood pressure.
That said, yes, these are well-known side effects of these types of medications, you may also experience drowsiness and dizziness.
They may also recur anytime your dosage has to be adjusted to a higher one.
Have you spoken to your doctor about your concerns?
Verwon.Thanks for the information the drowsiness & a bit of dizziness happens also. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow so I will see what he has to say.
You are very welcome, I am happy to help whenever I can.
While these are considered normal side effects, if they are severe or impeding your being able to participate in your normal activities, make sure to let your doctor know that.
There are other medications that you can try and there are some that are known to cause less side effects, for most people, than others.
Just as an example, I was put on Metoprolol and it made me miserable, my stomach hurt, severe headaches, stiffness and swelling in my hands, constant weight loss (and I am only 112lbs) and a very bad back ache.
I went into my doctor and listed them off and just pretty much told her that it was a no go. I have to type for a living to earn my income and most of these symptoms were having an effect on my ability to do so.
She switched me to Carvedilol, a similar medication, but one that hasn't caused so many problems for people and while it took several days for the remaining side effects to wear off, I am now feeling and doing really well.
So don't be afraid to ask your doctor for an alternative, or insist on one if you need it.
Please post back and let us know how things go!
Hi verwon. Good to hear from you & thanks for the support, I also tried Metoprolol with the same results, also Atacand & Zanidip all had bad side effects, The weight loss & feeling really bad with Atacand & blurred Vision, And nausea with Zanidip.Getting back to felodipine I have bean taken of that & have an appointment with a specialist in a week. Hoping for some good news then.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that you are seeing the specialist and I also hope you get good news.
The Felodipine is a calcium channel blocker. There are several drugs available in this class. This link gives more information on them and lists the drugs available:
Another class used to help lower HBP are Ace Inhibitors, here's a link for information on those and the medications available:
There are also Beta Blockers:
Angiotensin Receptors:
and Diuretics:
Most of them do carry the risk of the same side effects, except the Diuretics also add the risk of dehydration, but, as you can see, there are plenty of options available that you can discuss with your doctor.
Many of them are even used in combination to be able to lower someone's HBP!
Hope this information helps. If you have any other questions, let me know and please keep us updated!
Thanks for that info verwon, I will keep you informed