Feeling High?!?


How long did it take your body to adjust to the Lyrica? Meaning, how long does it take for the "stoned out of my mind" feeling to go away?

4 Replies

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I've honestly never heard of this happening to anyone on Lyrica, but I suppose it really does effect each person differently.

If you think it might help alleviate some symptoms, I would consider asking your doctor about lowering the dose or changing medications all together. There's no reason anyone should continue taking something that's causing more harm than good.

How frequently are you taking it?

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I take 75mgs twice a day. It almost feels like I have taken demerol.

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I started taking Lyrica yesterday,for Periperal Neuropathy, 75 mg. a.m. & p.m. I also have that 'off my face' sensation. Glad it's the weekend!
I hope it doesn't last too long because I"m scared about how I will function back in the workplace. How long have you been taking it?

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I started taking Lyrica yesterday ,for Periperal Neuropathy, 75 mg. a.m. & p.m. I also have that 'off my face' sensation. Glad it's the weekend!
I hope it doesn't last too long because I"m scared about how I will function back in the workplace. How long have you been taking it?

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