Fed Goverment To Stop Oxy Alltogether.
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Has anyone heard that by the end of the next two months that no ins company will pay for oxy of anykind. The Gov is going to completly pull the drug alltogteher. I found this out today from my pain clinic. Just thought you would like to know. I broke my neck back and many other bones in a bad car accident, and my Doc told me since there are so many robberies murders and such from this drug and abuse they are going to completly quit making it.

2 Replies

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They can't do that. If they do theres gonna be alot of pissed off people. What they need to do is offer cheaper medicine for heroin addicts and oxy addicts. maybe then nobody would be robbing pharmacies. Im a recovered heroin addict and prolly would have gotten clean alot sooner if my insurance covered the treatment, but of course it did not

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I hope not its a very affective tablet just because its growing in popularity as a recreational drug doesn't mean it should be banned tighter regulation may be needed it shouldn't be banned all together

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