Fatigue On Angeliq (Top voted first)


I was on Angeliq 1/2 for 7 weeks and it was fantastic. My sweats had gone and I felt good and my aches and pains felt better. I then got a bad chest infection and fatigue set in. I am just not sure if it is the flu or the Angeliq that has caused the extreme fatigue I am now suffering. Would Angeliq cause fatigue 7 weeks into taking it? I have stopped it to see how I go.

2 Replies

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I am not a doctor, but my best guest would be that the fatigue is most likely due to the flu, or whatever viral illness you are suffering. The NIH does warn that you might experience it, when ill with one, along with headache, nausea, and dizziness.

Do you take any other medications?

What dosage of Angeliq do you currently take?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message
i am on Angeliq 1/2. I am feeling a little better but have severe pains in my back and ribs and hopefully the HRT will improve the pain.

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