Fastin Forums
Recently active Fastin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Fastin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I used to take a diet pill which was a white capsule with the numbers 697 printed on it. Where can I get this pill and what is the name of it? I sometimes had fasting with it. ## I also have been looking for the same med for years, it really works ## Do you happen to remember what the name of it was? Otherwise, I am afraid I cannot help you. ## Those 697 pills where from a dr dillinger who is in jail most likely or died by now. He made them himself. They where methamphetamine in a clear cap with the #697 on them. ## He was in brooklyn on bay parkway and they did work really well. I was one of his original dollies fat girl he made real thin in 1975. ## I wish I can find a doctor like him that made you lose weight, but I understand very hard, they all are afraid and I understand that too,...
In my original country I took a medication name NULIP prescription for treatment of Obesity. I wasn't Obese but helped me with my water retention, and energy, and control my appetite or craving problems, but my energy was great, and made me feel so a happy person, I had to stop taking it because I moved to United States country that I love so much even if I'M FAT NOW :-( I got a lot of weight and took too FASTIN and helped me a lot gave me a lot of energy to do my exrcises I lost like 75 pounds at that time, but its not a doctor who can give you a Prescription so what can I do?, 8 years ago I had a Gastricbypass, and I lost 70 pounds, and already got back 30,. I'm trying to find another similar prescription that can help me to have my regular weight that was between 120 or a...
I was taking over the counter Fastin Xr for approximately 3 weeks, last on November 13, 2012. I am worried it will show a false positive when I give urine for a drug test for a new job on December 14, 2012. Should I be worried? ## Fastin XR is a natural dietary supplement that is plant based. It will not show up as a drug in a urine test. I have asked the company (Hi Tech Pharma) this question before. I also know people who use the product and did not get any false drug results.
I was diagonmised with diabetes and was haivng tje following readings: GTT : fasting 106, 2 hours 198 Post paradinal : fasitgn 107, 2 hours 160 i was adviced melemt 500 and have been takign for 3 months. But recently when i did a Psot Paradinal test i got readsings as follows even after taking tablet: Fastin 116, 2 hours: 160 I expected to fall because i had same reading even before taking tablet and same life style why could this be> ## How long have you been taking the medication? And have you tried changing your lifestyle? The tablets, which contain the active ingredient Metformin, can help lower and control blood sugar, but they really aren't enough by themselves. You do have to add a proper diet, which is low in sugar and fats, along with proper exercise to get the best res...
I am looking for a good appetite supression med while I am trying to lose weight. I took Ionamin a long time ago but see it's no longer available. I am in good health with no heart problems, etc. What should I order, and who is a trusted online Company that you can recommend? (My family doc doesn't believe in diet pills - says they don't work!)