Farxiga Forums
Recently active Farxiga forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Farxiga and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My Doctor is recommending Farxiga along with Metformin to lower my A1C. I'm a little afraid to try it. Has anyone taken it? ## Hello, Nancy! How are you? Exactly why are you afraid to try it? If you can post back and be specific about what side effects or risks concern you, I'll be glad to find information on them for you and help you. :-) The normal side effects can include nausea, sore throat, back pain and flu like symptoms. ## I have an A1C of 7.7 - it was as low as 6.3 when I first went on Metformin. I take 3 a day - tried a 4th one but made me little queasy. So she suggested the Farxiga and when I said yes to it I thought she was switching me not adding another med. Anyway I went home to research it and the bladder cancer bothers me, along with the major complaints about t...
7 REPLIES UpdatedDon't know how to be more specific about my problem with Farxiga, even ashamed to discuss with my doctor. When erect, my penis has shortened to 2-3" and it curves close to 45 degrees. Is there anything that can be done? {edited for privacy}
UpdatedAre there any side effects from this drug? ## Hi David - while I'm not speaking from personal experience, there's a good write-up of this drug on Medline Plus. It has a detailed list of possible side effects: " Dapagliflozin may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away: - urinating a lot, including at night - increased thirst Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately: - frequent, urgent, burning, or painful urination - urine that is cloudy, red, pink, or brown - strong smelling urine - decrease in amount of urine - pelvic or rectal pain - (in women) vaginal odor, white or yellowish vaginal discharge (may be lumpy or look like cottage cheese), or vaginal itching - (...
1 REPLY UpdatedI went to the pharmacy yesterday and they told me that the discount card I used is has been discontinued (I had only used it 2 times) When I attempted to obtain a new one on the farxiga website, it registered me but when I attempt to print the card I get an error on their site. Has anyone else had this issue? ## Hello, Kathy! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. That seems rather strange, as according to the Farxiga website, each card is supposed to be good for a year, with only yearly renewals required to validate eligibility. You may want to try calling the manufacturer to see what they say, you can reach them at 1-855-3FARXIGA. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including dehydration, nausea, hypoglycemia, vaginal yea...
1 REPLY UpdatedI have been prescribed to use Farxiga. My doctor provided me with a coupon so that I could get this medication for free. I have used it for approxiamtely 1 year at a special discount. I went to pick up this medicine yesterday and it cost approximately $297.00. Was informed that my discount coupon/card had expired. Obviusly this is too much. Can I get a special discount or assistance from the manufacturer? ## Hello, Lalo! How are you? Yes, there is an assistance program available from AstraZeneca for Farxiga. You can call them to see if you qualify and obtain an application at 800-292-6363. The program provides free or low cost medications to those in need. I actually received one from them for several years, all I had to do was renew my application each year. The FDA lists the typical s...
1 REPLY UpdatedAnyone have feedback to share? Feeling a little sick to NY stomach and worry about lows although I rarely have one ## Took for some months but finally it caused acute diarrhoea. Had to stop. I reeported the advrse reaction to the MHRA in UK. Google "yellow card" to report drug adverse reactions!
1 REPLY UpdatedI just started and so far no ad side effects except frequent desire to go to the bathroom...and even that isnt that bad ## Hello, SistaK! How are you? Are you still doing well on this medication? How are you blood sugar levels on it? Normal side effects can include nausea, sore throat, flu like symptoms and back pain.
1 REPLY Updated