Farmapram 2mg From Mexico (Top voted first)


Farmapram 2mg, filled a prescription at ABC Pharmacy in Nuevo Progreso. Can anyone provide information on them please? Are these the same as domestic US medications?

60 Replies (3 Pages)

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Are they Legit or safe, probably. Are they legitimate to have or possess outside of Mexico, well no

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Where did you go to get the farmapram? I am planning on driving into Mexico in the next few days and would like to make the process as painless as possible since my Spanish isn't that great

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Only place I go is through Progesso, by Brownsville, Tx.

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Link below what bottle looks like....

farmapram 2mg packaging image

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I'm from the U.S. and while I would have considered doing what you did if needed you are only allowed to bring back a 90 day supply, and I'm not sure that even applies to controlled meds being brought back into the U.S. without a valid U.S. prescription.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Farmapram is alprazolam. I've personally sent 4 quarts from 4 different bottles to a testing company. Farmapram is not "allegedly some form of alprazolam".

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Thank you! I recently relocated, and they are extremely hard to get. Even with 20+ years of medical records. So Got 3 bottles to last a year. Plan on breaking them into quarters. Thank you for the input. Are you from US or MX?

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I get them in progresso all the time 60 pills for 35 USD. I live in Mission, TX

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Re: Cat (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I filled farma 2mg yesterday. No markings, but it has the Xanax taste.

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I miss being able to go into progresso. No one is ever able to go for me!! Used to go into progresso every month!

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They cost 40 for 30-2mg. Tablets non scored bar.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

To clear things for you, I went to see the psychiatrist today and he prescribed me Alprazolam 2 mg and they gave me farmapram 2mg. It is the same as Xanax is in the US. I was prescribed Xanax in Texas for about 5 years. I moved to Mexico and I'm still getting Xanax prescribed but here it's very expensive. I'm very glad that I am a person who has to deal with drug issues there for my psychiatrist does prescribe me Xanax even though he only gave me 1 box today but that's because they have not been stocking Controlled Substances since the earthquake. We can probably say that the xanax is as potent so dont worry, it's the same thing! Hope my info was useful.

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Re: Andrea (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

It’s safe if you go in at Progresso. They speak English there, so no Spanish needed.

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Re: Nugget (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Just go to zona norte in tj and theres plenty of pharmacy in that area but if you wanna pay less get a taxie and tell him to take you to a pharmacy out of zona norte and you can get 90 bars for about 80 bucks or any other pharmacy drug u want including clonazepam lorazepam ambien oxycodone n ect

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Hey guys, I live here. No prescription needed and at border patrol crossing it's allowed, so no need to hide them. Just got 2 bottles today with no script. Walked and even showed bp agent. But gave me a warning cause I think you can only transfer 1 bottle a month. This is in Nuevo Progresso.

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Almost every pharmacy in Mex has them, $22 for 30 2mg bags isn't bad at all, light coating so they are quick release.

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My friend fills her rx for Farmapram in Mexico quite often. She says they work great. Only negative is that she has become dependent and takes 2mg daily.

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Re: Deepsouthrx (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

They seem to work well. I have used them now and then. IFA is an excellent quality medication. There are other good anorectic meds as well....

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Re: Hek (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

No, just walk on and ask for it. Just dont act all dodgy with them.

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Re: Trix (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Very true. Do not act suspicious or anything. Hide them correctly in your body... In Mexico they know exactly what to do.

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