Fancy N And 5/325 On Pill


I am just wondering I have been taking Percocet's for almost a year as I had a herniated disc in my back. This is the first time I have seen the pill with an N (fancy N) imprint on one side and 5/325 on the other side. Can anyone confirm this was Percocet? I have since lost my bottle as I put all my pills in one bottle.

3 Replies

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I was not able to locate a pill with the exact markings. I did however find a pill that has similar markings.

Click on the link below to view the pill...


If this is not your pill, can you please post back with more information about your pill? The shape, color, or any other markings on the pill would help me better to assist you.

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Hi Crystal, that was not the pill. This pill is round and white, looks exactly the same as a regular percocet. All I know is it had a fancy N imprint on one side and was scored on other side with 5 on top and 325 on bottom.

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I do not have a picture of the pill, but I did however locate what the ingredients are in N 5/325. N 325 5 is Acetaminophen 325mg/Oxycodone 5mg.

There some pictures of pills on the link below in addition to more information about these drugs...


Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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