Famciclovir Forums
Recently active Famciclovir forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Famciclovir and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Looking for a place where I can order generic Famvir (Famciclovir) over the counter. Silly as may sound, I have several cats/kittens (rescue) with kitty colds (feline herpes virus) & best treatment is Famvir. Literally amazing how quickly & well it works, often without need to give antibiotics (since FHV is a viral illness, but it can lead to secondary infections in which case antibiotics may be warranted). Since many know I do rescue, several send me their left over meds commonly used on felines, however at moment none happen to have any Famvir (Famcyclovir). My vet has written scripts several times in past without need to bring in for actual visit, as he is well aware I do rescue & my only income is SSDI, however his wife who manages office is a stickler for enforcing offi...
2 REPLIES UpdatedCAN FAMICICOVIR AND DIFLUCAN BE TAKEN AT THE SAME TIME ## Hello, Fred! How are you? I didn't find any interactions or problems listed between these two medications, but it's always best to double check such information to be sure. Famciclovir is listed by the FDA as being most commonly used to prevent herpes outbreaks. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headaches and mild fever. Diflucan is an antifungal medication and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, headache and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY Updatedwhite oblong tablet with an x on side, marked 3 4 on the other side found in a friend's pocket. ## Hi Bear, The oblong white pill you're describing is identified as Famciclovir (500 mg), manufactured by Aurobindo Pharma USA, Inc. Famciclovir is in a class of medications called antivirals. It works by stopping the spread of the herpes virus in the body. Famciclovir does not cure herpes infections and may not stop the spread of herpes virus to other people. However, it may decrease the symptoms of pain, burning, tingling, tenderness, and itching; help sores to heal; and prevent new sores from forming. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Famciclovir Details I hope this helps!
1 REPLY Updatedan old prescription bottle but cannot read the medication name, anyone know what this pill is? ## Based on the description provided, I've identified your pill as Famciclovir 500 mg. Manufacturer: Teva Pharmaceuticals USA National Drug Code (NDC): 00093-8119 Famciclovir is a guanosine analogue antiviral drug used for the treatment of various herpesvirus infections, most commonly for herpes zoster (shingles). Learn More: Famciclovir Details Hope this helps!
1 REPLY UpdatedIts a little blue pill round has a 48 and a weird symbol above it kinda looks like a E and the other side it has a criss cross like 4 sections found in my kids pants. ## The closest match (I could find) with that similar description is famciclovir, but this drug is usually white. It is a small, round pill with 48 on one side and "X" on the other. Famciclovir - an antiviral used to treat herpes and symptoms associated with the disease. The link should bring you to a picture. If it is something different you might be able to find it at the website.. Good luck. ## I'm sorry, but I can't find anything that matches this in our U.S. prescription drug resources, either. Have you tried asking your child about it? There is the possibility that it's something available over t...
2 REPLIES Updated