False Positive Urine Test For Methamphetamine
UpdatedI take 30mg of D-amphetamine a day. That day I also took zantac for heartburn and a antihistamine for allergies. My test came back positive for amphetamine and methamphetamine. I have not used methamphetamine.
3 Replies
What over the counter medications can cause a false positive urine test for methamphetamine?
I recently had to give a urine sample for my 1st visit at a pain management clinic. Is it a street drug screen or just to make sure your taking your meds right? Also, I put water in my urine. Will Methamphetamine still show up on my test results? I dosed the day before my appt. & it was a mistake. But I also take antihistamines for my allergies so what do ya'll think?
I guess these tests must be nailed down to an exact science because they are admissable in court lol but lie detector tests arent. I think both should be used when taking any drug test
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