False Positive For Norfentanyl!? Help! (Top voted first)


I receive my care at a department of veterans affairs facility. I am prescribed oxycodone to cope with pain relating to degenerative disc disease, hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure (HNPP), and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). I provided a urine drug screen and it came back positive for norfentanyl. The night before I took diphenhydramine for allergies/sleep, which I do not normally take. I DID NOT take norfentanyl or fentanyl (fentanyl was NOT found in the sample). Fentanyl is not prescribed to me and I did not take it. I desperately need an explanation to this. I believe my Dr. Is going to cease prescribing oxycodone for my pain (which often leaves me bed ridden) and I have no interest living a life stuck in bed. Please help. I do not know what to do. I have requested that the doctor call me multiple times about this which he did not do. I have requested that the sample be retested, which, I believe has been ignored due to the lack of communication, and he even canceled my next appointment with him without my knowledge. I DO NOT do drugs, I don't smoke weed, I don't even drink. I desperately, desperately need treatment for the pain I experience to live any kind of meaningful life and it has been my feeling that my prescriber has been providing vastly subpar care. I have been coming to him for nearly two years with the chief complaints of pain, paralysis, muscle spasms, ect. Only to have my doctor document it and provide no treatment or help or advice other than what he provided me on the very first appointment I had with him two years earlier. As I said I am an Army Veteran and receive my medical care at the Department of Veterans affairs in western Massachusetts, as such every negative thing this doctor puts into my records is seen by any other doctor treating me. I'm afraid in addition to him not believing me about the norfentanyl that he is also creating a terrible patient history that will follow me forever and cause great detriment to the treatment I so desperately need. Please help, I need to know how this test result is possible and what to do to remedy this false positive and my overall situation.

7 Replies

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I had something similar happen to me. I want you to be honest with me, did you take any pills other than the ones that the pharmacy gave to you.

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Please respond back, I truly am trying to help you right now! No judgment

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I'm going through the same thing with Norfentanyl being in my urine, I put Icy Hot patch on someone and I use Pro-air inhaler and can Reddish Whip???

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I'm so sorry you are going through this! Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you and have no answers. I also have degenerative disc, severe Crohn's disease w associated inflammatory arthritis/arthrosys fibromyalgia and neuropathy. I've been treated for pain off and in for twenty years so I have built up a physical dependence by now for sure and have been left high and dry with no suggestions. It just doesn't seem right. I would hate to have to resort to drastic measures like this, but I have heard of others who get discharged and are left to getting their meds illegally. So sad that anyone would be put in a position like that. I would much rather be under a doctor's care for these types of medications but this system of false positives is going to cause a lot of people to take drastic and unhealthy measure because they are out of options and the doctors are leaving us w no alternatives I am aware of. Treating legimate pain patients like criminals is not okay or ethical in my opinion.

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I just took a urine test at my pain doctor's office and it came back that I had fentanyl and that nor fentanyl came back in the test along with morphine, and I take oxycodone 30mgs. Now the only pills I took was what they gave me at CVS and my wife keeps them. So when I need one she gives it to me and I know where the morphine came from. The bagels I was eating had black seeds on it but where is the other stuff coming from? Now I was sick for 6 days before I went and did my drug test so I never even left my house. Can you help me and tell me what's going on and how this is showing up?

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I have a VERY similar story. Lets keep in touch. I want this false result out of my records. Tell them next time u do a UDT, to save some for independent testing in case it happens again. My god, what a screwed up world this is. I wish you all the luck in the world. Thanks for your service. That doctor should have a letter written about this and sent to his superior. DO NOT be a door mat. Demand a retest and if that one comes back the same, have them do a more specific more expensive test on that sample. Main thing, tell them NEVER throw out the excess. They are so worried about their license, they care nothing for their patients.

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I would suggest that you go pay for your own drug test at one of those corner emergency 24-hour medical places (it will be an out-of-pocket expense). When one of our employees failed their own drug tests at work we gave them 24 hours if they felt that we failed in our chain of custody or that we were lying etc then we allowed them to go pay for their own drug test at a reputable place & present us with real legal results. I don't know if your doctor will allow this but if you say 'Sir, look I went and did this to prove to you that I'm clean', maybe he will give you another chance or maybe it will clear your name to go into a different doctor -because it's obvious this Dr maybe isn't giving you the best care if he's not even doing things like radiofrequency nerve burning to relieve some of your pain. RFNB can give you anywhere from 4 months to 3 years of pain relief, it doesn't necessarily stop muscle spasms but it does stop true pain. I get it done, it helps. I myself have experienced a nurse mixing up my name with someone else's name and turned my urine in as a drug fail however I don't take any of the drugs that this person took so this was a massive fail and when I said to the doctor look your nurse is walking around here half asleep most of the time I believe that you've mixed my pee up with someone else's can you please check into this, he entertained that. they had already called my Pharmacy and cancelled all my meds and in Texas they are allowed to do all your drugs across the board with someone who has done something in the opiate fail class. Anyway I volunteered to pee again immediately and of course it came out clean and I had been with this doctor for already 4 years and I had never failed and they were always came back from the mass gas spectrometer showing everything right where it was supposed to be so the fact that his in office test showed a fail and they hadn't sent it off yet and they were already calling pharmacies and doing all these things and there's another person with my name in that same waiting room at the moment & Doc was looking at her chart & it showed that she didn't fail if you looked at it is her urine but when you went to go look at my urine against her chart she would have failed so they messed up. I think it can happen. People get tired and mix ups can get made. I see this happened in April so this answer may be too late for you so I'm sorry but maybe it can help someone else. I wear fentanyl patch and I just don't believe you can have it on your fingers for 5 minutes or less and all of a sudden you have enough in your system for a dirty UA but I'm not a doctor nor am I any type of specialist in a lab. I'm only certified in the chain of custody and giving drug tests for one facet of my work abilities. Good luc, I sympathize.

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