False Negative Test For Methadone (Page 3)
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I am taking 80mg of Methadone daily for pain control. For the past two months it is not showing up in my urine or blood when it always had in the past. I am frightened because now I question what the pharmacy has been giving me. I have felt less relief of my pain over the past two months, but I would have gone into withdrawal if the medicine was not Methadone. help, I need answers. If it isn't showing up it looks as if I am not taking it, which I am. I truly cannot without pain control. Thanks, hoping for some insight.

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Hi Lady Bell,
You really have helped me. Just knowing that others have to use these medications and understand the constant pain we endure, means a great deal to me.I also was quite resistant to methadone however as you say it is cheap! I just need something for the break-through pain because it is so bad that I have taken several bad falls. My pain will get so severe that I cannot stand on my foot. I also have arthritis in my joints to add insult to injury, no pun intended. I am 56 years old and never beleived that this would be. I will keep you in my prayers as I do all who suffer constant pain. Like you, without some sort of pain control I cannot walk let alone function. It is a very depressing thing to be in constant pain and others do not understand. It has certainly changed my life. I am grateful however, because the doctors were able to save my foot. They used me at a case study because they did not know how they were able to do it. Be well and stay in touch.

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I know what you mean Joanne, opiates only help so much especially with arthritis when I get a flare up, steroids is the only thing that works.

I have osteoarthritis ,Spinal steno- sis & Degenerative Disc Disease, and there is no cure for me either, my arthritis is not only down my spine but it has attacked several other joints.
I do take a anti- inflammatory, which helps some and I take Lora tab for break thru, I also take Xanax, but I read that Xanax isn't a good drug to take with Methadone( I am on 80 to 90 mg to) so I need to discuss this with the doctor.
It is an awful way to go through life I hate the idea of taking any of these drugs but with out them my life would not be worth living.
I have tried several drugs Oxycontin was one and it worked fine but my insurance wouldn't pay for it anymore, so my doctor suggested Methadone, at first I felt funny about it because I knew it was prescribed for addicts, but the doc assured me that it was a very good pain med and it lasted 8 to 10 Hrs.
It not only was cheap but it worked just fine for the most of it and I can function fine on it, the only draw back that I find is reading it makes me sleepy and I don't like to drive to far but other than that it's fine, well I hope I have helped a little. Good luck & God Bless.

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I am so happy that you found a good doctor. You are absolutely on the money about the testing they were doing. Luckily my doctor knows me very well and never doubted me, but I was still quite upset about it. He now does the appropriate tests and the methadone comes up! I am finding that the medication helps to a degree, howevr I still have a great deal of break through pain. I don't want to go up in the dosage and I also don't want to go on an opiate that I will develop a tolerance to. Any suggestions? I suffer from RSD and there is no cure. All they can do is treat the pain. I am grateful that you responded!! I thought I was alone in this.

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The very same thing is happening to me I have been researching this and the only thing I have come up with is that methadone is a synthetic and a separate test needs to be done in other words the lab that your doctor is using must be informed otherwise it will not show up on a standard urine test, I lost my doctor of 16 years because mine didn't show up either and he thought I wasn't taking it! didn't talk to me about it just sent a letter and refused to be my doctor anymore, I was lost! Thank god I found another doctor, because once you are given this for pain you can't go to a clinic or a rehab center because you were taking it for pain management, is that crazy or what? Good luck.

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Thank you for your response. I really have not changed anything in my life so that the methadone would not show. I do have a high metabolisme, for example my normal temperature is 100 degrees. I am unable to gain weight easily. I do drink a great deal of tea therefore, I have to use the bathroom frequently. The other meds I am on are Celexa and phenobarbital for a seizure disorder. I haev not taken more than has been prescribed of my medications and I am at a loss. Is it the lab, the pharmacy or my metabolism? I am at aloss as to how to prove that I am taking the methadone. I told my doctor I will take it in front of him if need be. All I want is and answer. The two months the tests came up negative I had a substatial amount of pain, more than usual. I have RSD and without medication I cannot walk. I asked the pharmacist if she knew why the tests are coming back negative and she had no clue. This month when I filled the prescription I noted within seven days more relief than I had been getting in two months. I cannot believe that a pharmacy would not give me the correct medicine. But now I have doubts. I will have another urine done on August 3rd when I see the doctor. I am totally baffled and don't know what I can do to resolve this issue.

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Have you been taking it as prescribed? Have you changed anything else, such as taking in higher amounts of fluids, or getting more exercise?

All of this, including your own metabolism and overall health, can have an effect on whether or not something is detected in your body.

In addition, do you know what test or lab your doctor is using? Have they recently changed the one they use?

If they aren't using a certified test, then there is actually a pretty high chance that the test isn't completely accurate. If you browse our boards, you will find many posts from people who have had a problem similar to yours or who have experience false positives for drugs that they've never taken.


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