False Positive On Hair Follicle Drug Test For Methamphetamines (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have custody of my two oldest children and their mother has a problem with methamphetamines. I know this for a fact because that's why we separated, but she is claiming that the positive hair follicles that she has taken and failed are all because of her asthma medicine. Are there any asthma medications that cause a false positive on both methamphetamines and amphetamines on a hair follicle test??

164 Replies (9 Pages)

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No he absolutely should not get another haircut.drugs can stay in your hair from ur body even longer......up to a year. Use cuts his hair they may choose to pull body hair and you don't want that. However, he could do trimming of his hair and take some toxin cleans from drug store then some vitamins that promote hair growth. Hairfolicle testing generally gives results for throat 90 days. Hopethiswas helpful.

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Does amitriptyline and citalopram cause a false positive hair test for meth

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Did u do anything to your hair

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Tell here to shave from head to toe and unbent

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I feel for you my daughter is going through something similar because I made someone angry,he called cps,and they came out and drug tested my daughter and are saying she tested positive and they are saying her significant other( who has never done a drug in his life tested positive) but the kids are very well cared for regardless of what these drug tests say and it is my belief when the report is coming from a male cious place and everyone they talk to including teachers,neighbors and even a couple of people who don't particularly like my daughter are telling these people that the kids are very well cared for maybe a little further investigation may be required these things can not be a one size fits all thing its absolutely crazy

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I am still fighting to get my baby girl back! The case worker said there is no such thing as a false positive but false negative hair results can be...WTH I have had 6 negative screens since the one in July.I don't understand. My case worker wants me to get a written statement from an export saying intact it was a false positive but how I have tried. I even went and paid 180 dollars for a new hair test and that was no Mrs. Then a week or two later... What more do they want! They have ruind a family ripped my baby from me and I did everything they asked and then some .Still my only child is no a number of the state! What do I do??

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No I was wondering how to get proof that indeed the adhd meds or my low iron or whatever meds I'm prescribed to can indeed cause a false positive ! My case worker says that's impossible, and I need proof but, how? Please my daughters in foster care over there mistake at this point anyways! I did everything in a short amount of time as far as clean screens and classes ext,
Thanks nevergivinup

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I take adderall and had a false negative for methamphetamine and cps will out you and your kids through hell over it, there should be some kind of law in place that they can't do this to families, it tears kids apart and the parents.

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Blood and urine are much shorter term. May not have been exposed to much in late.

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Re: #22, Irritated RMA
My boyfriend has 2daughters with his ex, who is a severe alcoholic. When he left almost 3yrs ago the 15yr old went w him, the 9yr old badly wanted to, but was worried about mom, &decided to stay to look after her. There have been several incidents which warranted a dyfs case to be opened on her. In the court order it clearly states if any concerns by dyfs she is to be removed immediately &placed w dad. Dad has already played the games n jumped through their hoops-did the drug tests &eval, &passed. Now fast forward to today...both kids have expressed their want to be w dad. Older daughter just turned 18, so fortunately it's her decision.12yr old, not so much. Moms still drinking, nothing has changed, but the state just can't prove it or catch her! Until they do, we've been waiting to complete court. Dad filed for custody of the 12yr old, &no agreement w mediator, so it went before a judge. Right before court a dyfs worker shows up w fake allegations from an anonymous call, saying dad and me are smoking crack. (We don't.) Person said they both "saw a crackpipe and HEARD one." At which point I hadta laugh, it was a bad joke. Now mom, who we know called, has counterclaimed, saying much of the same. Court comes, &now dads scrutinized! (Let me add when regular worker came she wanted a drug test from him. He said well if I don't it'll b held against me, right? She said no, &she'd never had any doubt about him using drugs. He said well, I've done EVERYTHING asked of me, so I don't feel that it's necessary, especially since she said what she did.) He goes to court & the drunk is now not even looked at, but HE IS! a hair test is ordered, at $175, and he takes it. Comes up false positive for methamphetamine. Now they want HIM 2have supervised visits! He had been fighting off what we thought was a cold for around2 wks up to the test, &took otc meds. (Which I know now can create a false pos) Any govt "protective service"out there is a setup for failure, &I told him that since day 1...they go according to their mood, if they like u, their menstrual cycle, whatever. Most r so young &have no kids/family of their own! Idk where they get off deciding people's fates-both adults& kids! Never trust em. Ever. Now our dilemma is trying to fight this false positive! It came up both amphetamine and methamphetamine. (?) He was on several different kinds of otc meds, of which I couldn't even say exactly what they were:brand, day, night, etc...so now,all that being said, not to ever trust those Nazis, any feedback from anyone would be greatly appreciated...this is a terrible mess, &as hard as it is on us, it's worse on his daughters! Please, anyone help!?

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It will show up. I tried. For the same job.

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The metabolites are stored in the hair cuticle as time/exposure/use goes on, and stay there for months.
the drug itself is excreted very quickly via the liver and kidneys (min 24hrs after initial test dose of 2mcg/kg in test mice)

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We did the same thing here but they took us to court and had a hair test demanded. Howerver the UA were clean but our test said we were dirty for methamphetamine, but the numbers were not even high enough to be considered an occasional user. They still ripped all rights from me and I was no longer to be with my daughter alone. How the hell can they do this. The accuser is a known user and pedophile that had previously done this with the same cps worker 3x's prior and admitted to having sex with her. She even helped him burglarize our home while we were in court. Anyone know who I can get help here from?

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During stages of dissolving the ADHD med will show as methamphetamine ask ur doctor who prescribed it to write a note saying that and sign it

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I'm sorry that your boyfriend is still using. Finding out the minimum he can use without testing positive is just as bad as handing him methamphetamine. He must not touch the stuff, the second it enters his system, he's just like he was the year before when he was using heavily. STOP helping him be an addict. Walk away. You are only enabling him. Trust me I know, my son died from this crap. Run, don't walk!

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first off,if they did a hair follicle in your home ,its inadmisable to the courts, because of outside contaminants ,,,they have to be done in their facility , you should get in touch with the lawyer they appointed you and let them know how this was done.

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What does it look like, a graph? As wellbutrin causes false positives for methamphetamine use. Is this how it works?

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Would like to know what makes it test positive for meth

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My son has asthma really bad and had a hair test and had very high mg of methamphetimines in it like 6318 he takes many inhaler and allergy could it mAke a test false

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I have never did drugs but once in 1999. I been taking hair follicle test forever . My hair follicle I took 2 weeks ago come back positive for methamphetamine. I told them that's impossible I walk a straight line and devoted to my family. The only thing u took in the last 3 mobthsis sulfameth-trimeth for infection, nyquill,advocare herbal cleanse metabolic cleaning system , omegaplex, vital magnesium, ibuprofen 800, and advocate sparks . Will any of this make my test positive because this is a disa test I need to clear my name. I told them I would pay for a blood test. I'm losing a lot of money right now because of this..

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