False Positive On Hair Follicle Drug Test For Methamphetamines (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have custody of my two oldest children and their mother has a problem with methamphetamines. I know this for a fact because that's why we separated, but she is claiming that the positive hair follicles that she has taken and failed are all because of her asthma medicine. Are there any asthma medications that cause a false positive on both methamphetamines and amphetamines on a hair follicle test??

164 Replies (9 Pages)

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I just started taking diet pills and I am wondering if When I have to take this hair follicle test in a few days if it will be dirty for anything due to the diet pills

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Take it to your po they can help you with that if it was prescribed to you you should not have nothing to worry about talk to them

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The hair follicle test will go back farther than the blood or urine, the blood and urine go back a couple days to two weeks, the hair follicle shows usage, or exposure in his case for up to 90 days or longer!

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I have a terrible family. They are extremely jealousy of me. They have been making faulse reports of drug use and abusing my children for years. This last time they wanted me to take a hair follical test to prove I'm not on drugs. I have a CDL license with endorsement of hazardous materials and a license from ATF&E for transport of, use and detention of explosives. I take drug test all the time and have never failed a test before. I do not use illegal drugs but it came back positive for meth. ???? I can't explain it. I've never used. I'm afraid they will take my children. What can I do to dispute this. I'm a single woman with two children and my family are all users. We do not get along so I am on my own and I can't afford an attorney.

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i stop using meth since 6 yrs. ago last week i had a pre-employment hair test and it came back positive for meth how vould that be possible?

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yes it will.. on hair test anyway. hair test go back with DCS office for 90 days

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Question...I have a prescription for adderall and have taken it within the last 90 days and had a hair follicle test. Cps is now trying to say I failed for meth and could lose custody...my trial date is oct. 21 and idk what to do...

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I had a false positive for the second sorry cannot spell but was using meth at the time have used since the first test but still test positive till this day am at risk at losing my kids but I will swear on my own life that God will strike me down today I have not used since January of 2014. But still have positive results with the random test with Cps for hair but never urin. Can you answer that.

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i took three tylenol 4s i will have a hair folicole test. soon will those show up in the test please help

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oxy will cause false neg it is an opiate

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my fiance was attending a. matrix class and on Christmas eve they took a hair folical test a week later it came back positive for meth now here is a question how come we went and paid out of pocket for another hair folical test 2 week's later and it's negative for everything? explain this one

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My boyfriend is on probation. He has been clean for 2 yrs and he is required to take hair follicle test for 2 yrs. Well, he had his first test and it came back positive. So they sent him to take another one the same day we got the results back. That test came back negative! Then he had to go back the next month and take another test and it showed up positive. So how can it show positive when he hasn't done anything for two years. And I MEAN HE HAS DONE NOTHING FOR TWO YEARS!!!!! Please help us before they put an innocent man in jail for nothing.

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Are you Anemic? If so, Anemia causes hair to grow a lot slower than anyone without Anemia. Instead of hair growing the estimated 1.5 inches in the three month time period, it will only grow about a half in inch, if that, in a three month time period. So, they would be testing the same hair as they did on the previous test.

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What would show up as methamphetamine in a hair follicle test?

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I have been clean from any drug for 1 year.My daughter has been in Foster care for one year and on the day I took my urine test as well as my 3rd hair follicles test. All the test I have been taking since she got ripped out of my arms have been all negative...Not to mention the 3 urine test a month my counsellor gave me all negative...2 weeks ago they dss orders me to take a hair and urine sample...The urine was automatically negative for everything. It was even negative for the add amphetamine salts adderall that I take every day 2 times a day. I thought was strange but was ready to get to my visit with my 8 year old daughter. When I got there dss told my daughter and I both that my baby girl was for sure 100% coming home but first they were going to let het say bye to her foster family and I could come get her that next Monday...My daughter and I were ecstatic that this nightmare was coming to an end... I was so happy on my way to get her when I get the worst phone call I couldn't and still can't believe...The case worker said, your daughter is not coming home, you had methamphetamine in your hair test... Uggfff....I already know that I have not ingested any methamphetamine what so ever!!! So now I am trying to get all my prescription medications together again to send them again.

Please I am begging anyone who can tell me why my test came back with small traces of methamphetamine to please help me...My little girl is in foster care with a very mean woman who is on all kinds of drugs and is abusive to my child...Thanks.

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My daughters were both tested for methamphetamine after I was arrested for trafficking. My oldest passed and my youngest didn't, however she takes medication for ADD/ADHD. Wouldn't this medication cause a false positive? My children have never been exposed to any drugs and share a bedroom, bathroom and household. They have both been taken from me because of this positive test result.
Ive been charged with child neglect. I love my children more than anything in this world. I feel lost without them. I am to have absolutely no contact with my youngest daughter and I feel like I am dying inside. Please help me. Tell me what can I do?

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All you people posting on this blog who have done some kind of uncontrolled substance within the last three days are foolish to even ask the question. First of all don't you know anything about the drugs that you are taking? Do you not feel the effects of it the very next day? Whether it be still high or feel like you've been hit by a Mac truck? If you don't know that it takes a minimum of at least 3 days to get any drug out of your system; well then, you should just say no to drugs! Especially with a hair follicle test.....really? It can determine the exact day and possibly hour that you took your last drug. Instead of asking the question maybe you should consider trying to Google "Will the hair follicle test I take today come out positive for the Cocaine or Methamphetamine I did last night?" Should have put some thought into that one. You may think I'm being rude but you need a reality check.

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Yes, your Methamphetamine use will show up and with a hair follicle test it will show that you only used it once and how rarely it was.

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I have never used drugs what so ever. I dont even smoke or drink alcohol. I do take a thyroid pill and a diet pill both prescribed by my doctor and I had to take a hair strand test for dss and i did test positive for methamphetamine and its because of the diet pill. It will cause a false positive for methamphetamine. Now social services want me to take my 3 kids that I have custody of in for a hair test.

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Yes, ADHD medication will most definitely cause a false positive foe methamphetamine,depending on the medication of course. Most meds for that condition contain amphetamine of some sort, and adderall, the most popular drug given to people with ADHD is actually pure amphetamine salts. Do you have a lawyer? If not I would request one at the next court date & get a letter from your daughters doctor showing what medication she was on. They should know that particular medication shows up amphetamine but just in case I would get a letter from your doctor if you can.

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