False Positive On Drug Test For Cocaine (Page 5)
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I took a hair follicle test and it came up positive for cocaine. I have never used drugs in my life. I have a kidney infection and I have been having trouble with my kidney all my life on and off. I was taking Ampicillin 500mg and Metronidazole 500 mg and Eugenol. I am going to court concerning my kids and I can't lose them for drugs when I never took them before. Please help me. Thank you.

111 Replies (6 Pages)

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Hi took a drug test on may 28th what a surprise to me caught me off guard! The judge ordered drug test that same day I did one $20 of coke on may 26th to mention this the first time I tried it. I also eat a bag of ice everyday is it possible my results can come back negative?? Please someone help me I am scared.

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My 2 and a half year old been testing positive but very low for cannabinoid for the past year and he was never exposed to it now hes negative but came positive of a trace for cocaine and me and my husband tested negative what do I do

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Patience and Kelly, I totally understand and agree with you. 4 days after my daughter's 10th birthday dyfs came to my home and removed me after I came up positive at probation for opiates. Even though I've been in pain management for 6 years now and prescribed Fentanyl patches I couldn't provide them with that months script since I lost my insurance a few months before and couldn't afford the 3 thousand dollars a month every month I only put on a patch when I had to leave the house like when I report to probation. Otherwise my illness keeps me in bed. Anyway for 10 months now I see my kid once a week for 2 hours and missed every holiday because of theese ridiculous people that think none of the Labs make mistakes. That's bulls***, there's human error there just as much as anywhere else. They think we're a bunch of liars because we're so called "addicts".

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Lol @ your comment...you must do cocaine...too judgmental..you don't know if she did it or not..you are not a damn psychic...so stop acting like the f***in devil

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I got a false positive cause of amoxicillin . the only thing I took , these hair tests are that inaccurate its untrue , 72 to 84 % accurate , 5 to 10 % of them are false results on just doing the test itself , the drug testing companies cover up , denying it as they would lose their billions of pounds of revenue a year , its a joke , testing is only in its infancy , so has so much more to do before it should be used as creditable , because its not at all , crap is not the word , the tests are so crude that it doesn't know the difference between eating poppy seeds and heroin, as they haven't got a good enough test to know the difference , look online u can find the list of the over 250 over the counter medicines that test u positive on a test but then again the companies will deny this big style , peoples lives are being ruined because of money ,profit of these companies ,

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Shanika. ....I fear u are lying thru ur teeth!! If u couldn't stay off the crack pipe for just three days before ur test......u don't deserve children. On the plus side though. You've put my situation in perspective!!

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I use cocaine and its out of your system in 72 hours. I have done several drug tests on the 4 day and it came up clean, no cocaine!!!!!

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Relax. you will be fine . you said it's your first time? let that be your last!
God Bless

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Is there anyone out there who can help me??? I am going nuts with nerves. I am needing someones opinions on which way u think my test results will lean towards. On Saturday, early hours @2am on August 10, I did about three big lines of cocaine. Don't know how much in scale it was, it's my first time ever trying it. On August 16 @noon, (a Friday) I took a urine test, which is sent out to the LAB. I won't know the results until next month, sept. It was for a doctors office. I have been reading forums like crazy, and I haven't come across anyone who's been in my exact time frame. So can anyone PLEASE let me know what u think? What you think my test result will be? During that 5.5 to 6 days before my test, u drank water and cranberry like crazy! On weds, Aug 14, 2 days before my LAB test, I took a home drug test(first thing in the morning) my negative line was present, but more faint than my other negitive lines. Thank you very much for ur time...

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There is no help. DSS doesn't want to hear that there is such a thing as FALSE POSITIVE. We DO NOT DO DRUGS but our 2 children have been gone now for 4 months and father & I are going to substance abuse classes, taking surprise hair, urine & breathalyzers tests , mental health evaluation & whatever others hoops DSS wants us to jump through. I still try figuring out how this could have happened...but IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE DSS PLAYS GOD WITH YOUR LIFE & YOUR CHILDREN! Youre just screwed!! Scary but true. What happened with Kelly & one year old positive baby but all others negative.

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I have a question...I was talking amaxacillin for 5 days prior to delievering my daughter,and i was prescribed also hydrocodon 10 the last 3 months of my preg. and our test came back positive for cocain and opiates.. I know that the hydrocodon came back as opiates but is there any way this would be a false positive. I am now having to deal with DSS on this matter and I am not trying to get my children taken...plz help.

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Kelly, what are you doing about these results? Did DSS take your kids? I'm going thru same thing. My 19 month old baby tested positive for cocaine...high daily using dosage!! IMPOSSIBLE but that's what DSS said. Came w 2 police officers & took my baby girl & 10 yr old son w/o even showing me proof of failed test!! I'm scared to death. WE DON'T USE DRUGS!! This is a bad Lifetime movie I'm stuck in.

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Could I possibly suggest that you get your doctor to write a certificate to take with you to court showing that the medication you have been legally prescribed does contain cocaine and this would show up on any drug test you have been asked to undergo. This will have the case thrown out of court - no worries!

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How did you make out? I have a similar situation happening now. In a household of 4 (mother, father, son, daughter). The 1 year old failed drug test for heavy cocaine use as a daily user. The rest of us passed test without any issues.

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I took a drug (urine) and it came back with cocaine positive results. I DO NOT USE DRUGS. can metronidazole cause a false positive?

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I tested positive on a blood test for diazepam + nordiazepam. I have never taken this. I found out diazepam is valium + I still don't know what nordiazepam is! I take a lot of meds and otc stuff. Could any of these cause false positives: Gabapentin,synthroid,ranitidine,seroquel,lamotrigine, daily multivitamin,vitaminD,crestor,calcium,81 mg. aspirin, ambien,cranberry caps,800 mg. motrin,500 mg. tylenol

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I tested positive on a blood test for diazepam + nordiazepam. I have never taken this. I found out diazepam is valium + I still don't know what nordiazepam is! I take a lot of meds and otc stuff. Could any of these cause false positives: Gabapentin,synthroid,ranitidine,seroquel,lamotrigine, daily multivitamin,vitaminD,crestor,calcium,81 mg. aspirin, ambien,cranberry caps,800 mg. motrin

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i was taking clarithromycin 500mg,amoxicillin500mg,omeprazole200mg,belladonna alkaloids w/pb tablets, and tested false negitave for cocain how is that possible...i don't do any drugs at all.

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if cocaine done one day, how long before shows up in hair test?

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I am in a battle for my kids. My ex made a false report and to my surprise my baby tested positive for cocaine in her hair. She was in the NICU for the first week of her life. She has never had a hair cut as she hardly has any hair. I also have submitted a hair test but don't know the results yet. Although I am on several of the medications I've read that has caused false positives on this blog. I am scared to death. I haven't used in almost 7 years. I used before I had 3 kids and why would it be in one and not my other 3 kids if I was using. I am praying to find the answers to prove these people wrong. I haven't used drugs in years and if I did it sure in the hell wouldn't be around my kids!

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