False Positive Methadone
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I am a suboxone patient, took a drug test (probably the cheap dip stick kind) and it came back positive for methadone. I haven't taken methadone for about 4 months and every drug test since then has been clean. The only things ive taken were benadryl and my subs. What can cause a false positive for methadone, and if so when they sent the remainder of my urine to the lab, it should find that i haven't taken any right? plz help.

23 Replies (2 Pages)

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For all of you who are inquiring about your urine test showing positive for Methadone, here is the only information you will ever need to prove that you are not taking Methadone:

1. Go to your Pharmacist and ask for a print out of all medications that you have had filled for the past six months and make a copy.
2. List all Over the Counter (OTC) products that you are taking. Make a copy.
3. Go to your Primary care doctor and tell him about Methadone showing up in your testing with pain management. Ask him to take a blood test specifically for Methadone and explain why. Results should show no Methadone. Make a copy of blood results.
4. Ask for another blood test order that you can take with you so you can have a blood test repeated for Methadone. Make a copy.

The copies go to pain management, PCP, and in your case the Court. Good luck from there. Do not get caught up in the discussions on this site where some say yes for Methadone and others say no way. You think about proving your pain management results are false positives, and demand that this is corrected in their files.

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I have been on oxycodone 40mg for 10 years. I told my PCP that I wanted off of opioids, so my Dr put me on a tapered dosage. I also tested positive for methadone which I have never taken. I do take OTC sleep aids. Could the ingredients of the unison of Tylenol pm or any sleep aid cause the false positive for methadone?

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I take oxycodone, lyrica, valium and vyvnase, but my urine shows methadone. Would these other drugs interfere?

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Re: Jackson (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I don't understand why you can't see that I am asking for a simple answer here, not your opinion on how I choose to live. I don't care if you, Captain A**hole, believe that I have an issue with too much Tylenol a night. Now I am going to tell you something that will absolutely blow your mind... I KNOW! I don't understand why you don't have reading comprehension skills but you should fix that, your local community college should offer GED classes and exams for you to use. So, in a language you can understand, I am looking for a response regarding whether or not anyone knows if high doses of Tylenol can cause a false positive on a urine drug screen for Methadone. So, thank you Dr. Phil for stating the obvious, and these boards are not intended for opinions, but for facts. I am on Suboxone and Vyvanse and I have an addiction to prescription pain pills and have been clean (passed all tests) for about 7 months now and when I took my urine test and it was positive for methadone, I was pissed off. After doing research on the web, I found that it's only about 95% or so confirmed by facts that says yes it can. However, even though the hair sample I also took will clear me, I decided to ask for others who may have dealt with this issue or knows concrete information about it so I can proceed from there. I know what Tylenol can do to my liver in large doses but that's not what I asked. I assumed intelligent, non-judgemental, adults would provide me with useable information but I got...... You. This website's purpose is to give people the opportunity to post a question and allow others to answer said question, not shame & judgment. So congratulations, you clearly never grew up Peter Pan. I don't mean to sound mean but it's common sense to me! Prove me right....go ahead!

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Re: Tinxybell (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

It's doubtful you'll get an answer from the guy you were questioning cause the post/thread is 6 years old, but based on what you wrote I think anybody could answer your question. You're taking enough Tylenol to kill the livers of 3 horses! Yes, I think it's safe to say that taking all that crap will cause a false positive for Meth. I don't know how much Vyvanse you're on, and compounded by Subs, but if you can't sleep, you might want to think hard about that. Either way, it sounds like you have bigger issues going on than worrying about a UA. Hey, it's your body, and I'm no saint, it just seems like if you can't figure that one out on your own you might consider getting help.. I'm not being mean, just find it hard to believe you don't see the answer right in front of you.

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Re: James (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, today I went a did a Hair follicle and a urine test for DHS. It showed positive for methadone. Im on Suboxone, Vyvanse for ADHD, and Effexor for depression. I also take between 7-10 Tylenol Pm pills EVERY night. I have never seen nor taken methadone in my life and even though im postive that my hair test will show it's negative for methadone, I hate that my case worker and the Judge eventually will see it because what if they dont believe in the false positve results for tylenol pm that i found and printed. It's hard for them to believe people who have had previous postive drug screens, and even though im clean now and have been I know how hard it will be to believe me, I was wondering if you had an update on your situation as I saw that you also take tyleno pm?

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I was taking name brand oxycontin 60mg and 80 mg when this month the generic oxys became available again and the pharmacy ignored the dr.'s written prescription for name brand only and I can prove it with a print out from the pharmacy. The month he gave me a U/A I had taken the generic which is oxycodone. I have terminal cancer and chronic pain from breaking my back 7 times and blowing my disc in my neck three times that never fused from surgery because the radiation treatment (they gave me 14 days after surgery) killed the grafted bones. I have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis that is crippling me even worse with my meds. I had tolerable days and now it feels like it's all not worth it to taper off meds. It's almost not worth getting up. In 7 months I was taken off four 80 mg a day and four 60 a day and 8-milligram dilaudid prn 180 a month. He cut all 60's the first month and dilaudids to half, then 80's to one a day and this month 10 dilaudids. I have been sick and miserable. No second chance, no nothing. I had been on pain meds with this doctor for 16 years & never had one bad U/A or blood work and never filled early or lost or had them stolen and he calls me a liar and takes me off; says he knows I am in pain! This has caused my blood pressure to be in the danger zone of 110 over 160 and higher and I can't get him to listen. I never took methadone during the time he accused me of selling my meds to purchase methadone. Another question: I have no thyroid and when they did blood work at same time my thyroid hormone was dangerously high in the 1000 range when it was supposed to be between 1.05 and 3.5. I do not understand how any metabolic evaluation could be accurate when my thyroid levels were so out of wack and it did not show any other meds like dilaudid or lorazepam or soma or my marijuana. It said 100% methadone?

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I took a drug test and failed it for methadone and I have never taken the stuff. Does anyone know what can cause a false positive for methadone?

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Can a false positive for methadone be caused by melatonin? I recently took a UA that tested positive for methadone. The only thing besides blood pressure medication that I take is melatonin, which I recently began.

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I also have had false positives for methadone. When it is sent to the lab, it always comes back negative. Insist on it being sent out.

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I got drug tested and it came up positive for methadone, but I don't even use opiates. I only take an antibiotic for b.v, iron and my prenatal. Could the metronidazole cause that positive? I'm quite upset.

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What can cause a false positive for methadone in the urine analysis? I tested positive for methadone and only take otc meds.

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I recently took a five panel test for my PO. I am on suboxone and I have been having a lot of headaches. I took tylenol and benadryl and I have an inhaler. Well I tested positive for methadone. No way I have not touched anything. I'm freaking out. When it goes to the lab will it prove I did not do anything? Plz help me. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I did nothing.

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False positives for Methadone are caused by diphenhydramine. This is a well known fact. Kratom will also cause a false positive for methadone. This is because the metabolites look similar, and the drug tests are testing for metabolites of methadone, which is a molecule called EDDP. EDDP metabolites from methadone resemble the metabolites from Kratom and also from Benadryl, which is diphenhydramine.

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I totally agree on the diphenhydramine in Benadryl and sleep aids giving false positives. In 2005 after attempting suicide by heavily overdosing on Unison sleeping pills, Tylenol PM and Benadryl, I was told I had tested positive for methadone. I have never taken methadone nor did I know at the time what methadone even was. I had been taking large doses of OTC medications daily containing diphenhydramine for a few years leading up to my suicide attempt. With all that diphenhydramine resembling methadone in lab tests, I'm sure I seemed like a massive crack head down on paper. Oh, and any source that says diphenhydramine is non habit forming, is absolute crap. I've been on elevated amounts since I was 17 and at age 30, I still haven't kicked the habit although I have tried multiple times. It really screws up goals and priorities in one's life.

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An albuterol inhaler can cause a false positive for meth

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It does appear that cheaper drug screens will cause Suboxone( name brand) to appear as other opiate drugs. Suggest your MD or tester to buy the test that tests for Suboxone as well. I have never had any issues with the tests that test for Suboxone as well, it shows me negative for all drugs but for the Suboxone which I am prescribed to.

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Okay. It is unlikely that buprenorphine is causing the false positive for methadone. I take Suboxone and have NEVER tested positive for methadone, for one. Second, buprenorphine is in no way structurally related to methadone.

Interestingly enough, Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is more closely related to methadone than anything else that people take (except for maybe Seroquel).

Try not taking the Benadryl (if you do now) a few days before going to the doctor. If you never test positive again you could reasonably conclude that diphenhydramine might be giving the false positive.

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I am on a suboxone treatment plan and have been months now. I take about 6mg of Suboxone daily. I am tested via Urinalysis for drugs every month when I go to see the doctor who precribes my Suboxone. However, when completing a UA drug test in my home, Methadone and OXY give only faint lines, while the rest of the drugs have bold lines on them (this drug test shows use of drugs by not producing a line next to the listed drug). Methadone and OXY are always the last lines to appear and are usually fainter than others. I have never used Methadone in my life and I have been clean from OXY for six months. My only guess is that the Suboxone, being a synthetic opiate, is triggering these two drugs and almost causing false positives. Just thought I would give you this information.

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Hey guys, I usually do not post but this tread, especially Nancy's post. So here's what's gone on w/ me.

I have been on a buprenorphine maintenance plan for over 2 years. I take higher doses (usually 16mg a day) of buprenorphine, and I am more physically dependent on buprenorphine than I was on any other opioid. My maintenance program requires a drug screen to be passed every time before I am given my buprenorphine prescription. I understand why this is necessary, and felt I had nothing to worry, as I use no other controlled substances. Well, now these screens have become a massive source of worry because..
Over the last year, I have randomly tested positive for methadone. Impossible! I haven't never taken methadone in my entire life. I still haven't found out why this is exactly, nor can I convince my physician that it is a MTD false positive. Here's a few things that I suspect may play into it based on my experience:
1. I take large doses of generic (not Suboxone - buprenoprhine sans the Naxolone. This didn't seem to happen w/ Suboxone
2. I take large doses of Diphenhydramine (Benadril) everyday as a sleep aid.
3. I am frequently dehydrated when I give my specimen.

I will continue to try and figure out why the Methadone false positives occur during suboxone treatment. Any input on the subject would be very welcome.

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