False Positive For Methamphetamine On Drug Test (Page 11)
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I took a urine drug test for my job and they said it came back positive for methamphetamine, but I dont use methamphetamine. I've just been real sick the whole week before and took a lot of diff. meds to break da fevers and my bad cough. What could have caused it to come up positive?

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I tested positive for crystal meth but did not use any crystal meth at all, is Cogentin and Zoloft to blame?

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I'm on a pain regiment, using oxycodone. Last month I (dipstick) tested positive for methamphetamine. They then sent the sample to an outside lab, which confirmed a level of about 1500. I have never used meth, am in my sixties, and in spite of a negative test this past week, it looks like they will deny further pain meds. It's so ludicrous!! I won't take it lying down, and while I'll be fighting this, I still will have inadequate pain control. Furious!!!! After 4 years of negative tests, suddenly I fall prey to someone's inability to read the list of drugs I take. Thanks for this site, it's been incredibly enlightening. Not just me!

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I am am ex-meth user (not proud) my level was 5042 after not using for 1 week. Still after not using for 3 months level detected is 2024.

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Please granny leave the meth alone....false positives are statements used by users..any chemist know the truth from fiction. Get real with yourself and stop.

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I, too, just tested positive for amphetamines. I have never used them and take detonate by Gaspari. I heard some rumblings that this product could cause that result. I am going to stop taking it for now, just in case.

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I am on the methadone program and have all my carries and have been clean of all drugs for 6 years now and I just talked with my dr and they said I showed high levels of crystal meth last urine test and this weeks urine test I don't hang out with ppl that use and I try to stay away from any place I can including shopping for food but im told its being sent to a lab to re do it and if its positive I will loose all I have worked for! what can cause this to happen???

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Can u please contact me is there any way I can find a professional statement of your response , I take tests bc I am preg I went on methadone over pain man. Scripts bc I wasn't gaining weight and I just don't feel it was right for my baby! Any way I came up pos for coke I said retest your nuts I'm about to give birth and they said oops no it's methamphetamine , also didn't even know what the hell it was the doc at the clinic said that the Benadryl I'd taken for allergies was to blame but the ob said its impossible ... I haven't done any drugs I'm very upsett I'm due any day they are so ready to convict me bc I'm on methadone

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I have had a total of 3 false positives for meth... The levels were approx 1500, 1100 & 825 ng/ml. I am also having trouble finding the average level for a habitual tweaker to compare to, tho.

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If you're testing positive for drugs you do not use, please get a second and, if necessary third, test by an independent lab.

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I just started taking advair 500/50 again and I just tested positive for meth and I demanded they redo the test and the cup still showed the same thing. My doctor knows I don't do drugs and he said it is going to go to the lab and he asked about all my over the counter meds. He said the lab can decyfer the bad meth ingredients vs the good over the counter meds and not to worry. I have random screens because I am on strong pain meds

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I've been trying to find out the average ng/ml of a habitual meth user, but have yet to have any luck.

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Just a question... for you that tested positive for meth but had never taken it, how high was your result (in pg/mg.. or whatever unit on the test?). I am just curious.. does it show up in the same concentration as it would for a meth user? Thanks!

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detonate make me test positive as well. grrr why?

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would the any of these meds ginve me a false possative fior meth /methadone/750vicoden/zanatac/amatriptaline/ibeprofin thous mg/nausia med from hospitol

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I too had a false positive for meth. I take detonate and black market. Im waiting for the lab results. I dont drugs and am completely embarrassed.

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I am on probation. Today I had my monthly visit with my officer and had to do a ua for them. It came back very faint that I tested positive for meth. I am a mom of three and don't do drugs. I find that my kids are a lot more important then going to jail. I have been taking nyquil and rentadine along with advil migraine. Can this cause a false positive. I really don't want to go to jail for something I didn't do

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SeaRick, I have some questions that I have a feeling you might know the answer to...

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I am going to repeat this for about the 5th time. This will be my last posting on this subject. (I have a professional background in clinical medicine and laboratory research using GC,HPLC, and AA on immunology samples)

ALL cold preparations sold over-the-counter containing phenylephrine and ephedrine will typically show positive on the enzyme immunoassay they use for industrial job testing depending upon what they are combined with such as certain foods and beverages. ALL ADHD drugs such as Adderall or Ritalin will show the metabolites too. Generally if you tell the testing lab up front what you have taken they cannot do a damn thing unless they run the confirmations because you can argue false positive and they have to prove otherwise.

You have a right to a Gas Chromatograph or Atomic Absorption confirming test which is 100% reliable. If you fail either of those you are doomed because you have metabolites of meth in your system whether you use meth or not.

Look people, if you don't have enough balls to stand up for yourself and demand confirmation then you have only yourself to blame. You have the right to seek legal counsel and sue any testing lab that turns a false positive without running a confirmatory GC or AA in most states.

Stand up for your rights and everyone wins because employers abuse drug testing all the time. The enzyme assay testing is so flawed that it is legally not admissible in court without a confirmation - now why do you think that is? These tests are subject to stringent storage and handling requirements and most labs lack chain of custody records. If they are not stored in the right temperature and humidity they will give false results. They are cheap s***ty tests that the manufacturers refuse to withdraw and now they are even being sold in drugstores for home testing. Pity the family member who gets a false positive and goes to rehab because of some ignorant parent who is too stupid to do the research.

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Darling you need to get your husband to a naturopathic doctor ASAP that can diagnose him correctly and fix the underlying cause of these disease symptoms before it becomes an immune system disorder. His body is screaming out for attention.

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Mate i have the same problem? Did u find out the answer to ur question?

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