False Positive For Meth On Hair Test But Not Urine
UpdatedI am prescribed 30mg adderall twice daily and just had to take court ordered hair test and urine test. On the urine test amphetamine was all that showed positive, but the hair test showed up positive for amphetamine and methamphetamine. How is that?
15 Replies
Possibly because some ADD meds contain methylphenidate which may come up as a meth by product or you have taken a different med or done meth at some point as hair test picks up substances taken alot longer time previous than a urine or blood test?
I have used meth before, but i have been clean for almost three years now.
Im needing some scientific evidence or something to prove that it is a false positive. Something that will stand up in court because this is keeping me from being able to see my child.
In order to get evidence of an error you need to find out exactly what test was used and compile assorted evidence proving the possible invalidity of the test.a good lawyer would then be needed in order to enlighten the judge on this matter.a doctors letter and an employer reference would also be a great backing.
I have all of that except for the exact type of testing. Its omega lab that does the testing.
There is evidence I have read suggesting that the type of med prescribed can make a difference.hav u been given desoxyn in the past? Also the length of the hair and how close to the scalp it is determines how far back the test goes.the standard is 3.9cm from the scalp for a 3 month test.
Only thing else I can suggest is double check they confirmed the positive test using gas chromotography.that is the only way they can be sure of a positive.if they didn't then there is quite a large room for error
been on meth have rx for adderall will i b ok for drug test on tues this is sun
I have to agree with Kronicpain, in that, a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer is the only truly accurate method that has the ability to distinguish the exact substance in question; but is not initially performed because of cost. Odds are that most places don't use this type of testing for that very reason, so you may have an upper hand there, considering that many companies are cheap minded (no pun intended).
@jimmy j,
I know this response is a bit late, but it can depend on a number of personal factors, including how much and how often you've been taking these medications, as well as the type of drug test you're taking: (blood, saliva, hair, urine)?
I have retested at different place and all good, but id still like to be able to get to the bottom of the bad test thats tha one that went to the judge and i figure its gonna be hard to make the judge believe the first test was faulty.
The judge us supposed to be an unbiased party and if a more accurate test shows that the previous one was wrong then the judge will have no choice in the matter but to declare the first test void by law.so congrats the hard part is over.stay clean.peace.
I need a list of any food or over the counter drugs or what the doctor gives to you, for court
I have taken over 30 drug test and because of this one hair test that was done, even after I went and paid for a new one out of pocket and it was done .7 days later, and the one I paid for showed that my hair was to thin, they are telling me that I have to go to a five day a week drug treatment program. Or I will not get the kids back or see them or talk to them. And it was this one test only all the rest showed clean.
Re: Kronicpain (# 1)
Adderal is NOT Methylphenidate! IT is AMPHETAMINE.
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