Fake Oxy And Morphine (Top voted first)


I changed pharmacies the other day and received what is supposed to be Mallinckrodt 30mg oxy and 60mg morphine from Mallinckrodt. Both scripts the pills have a clean score mark on one side and 30 above the line and the infamous M in a box on the other. The oxy is white with a slight blue hue to it very, very light. The morphine same instead is has a 60 on the one side And M on the other. They are yellowish. Both scripts have pills missing stamps and are either rubbed off or something and the outer edge it looks like 2 pills smashed together. The oxy has a lot of powder in the bottom of the bottle and I dissolved one in water and it left about 1-10th of the pill powder behind. The morphine is just plain bad looking. Lots of missed stamps and no powder in the bottle. The color is quite odd and the fact that he hand wrote out the label for the bottle with my name what they are and dosing schedule. That's it no other info. I'm confused on what to do as I just detoxed off them all last week and went 9 days without any. Just a heads up the pharmacy is on Habana and I wonder if anyone else in the Tampa area has had the same problem? Please let me know as I plan on heading down to his pharmacy and get some answers. I'll also add that I haven't slept in nearly 3 days. All help would be appreciated. Thanks all.

2 Replies

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Does anyone know if a small round light tan tablet marked with a Half Moon or Capital and the numbers 271 on the other side is a morphine tab???

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According to NIH, the pill you're describing reportedly contains 30mgs of Morphine Sulfate ER.

For verification, the half moon logo is indicative of Actavis Pharmaceuticals and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 0228-4271.


Something does sound fishy about the prescription(s) you received - Especially the part about him writing out the label for the bottle. I've never had that happen to me. Have you tried either one yet to determine how well they work?

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