Fake Xanax Gg249? (Page 7)
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I received my xanax prescription from india with GG 249, blank on back. small and rectangular. Came wrapped in plastic wrap, no bubble packs or name. bitter taste. seem to make me a little sleepy but causing mild headaches. are these real?

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I had the exact same symptoms when taking my prescription. No idea but I would bet there fake! Also experienced nausea!

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Is the 4 on it closed completely as u see here or little space between the slant and top of four? Also are they white?

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the gg 249s i have work great took a quarter of one and filln it

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There fakes trust me. I bet they taste like chalk and give you headaches. India cannot get the USA brand of gg249. Counterfeit

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Recieved 3 blister packs from India of what i supposed to be 2mg xanax. It is bunk, but they did a nice job of packaging this garbage. The pills themselves are whaite bars. I have not measured them. The print is on one side only: GG 2 4 9 with perforations between those. The packaging are blister packs marked on the back: ALPAR Alparazolam 2mg and stamped in red "Export Quality", whatever that means. They do not taste like real xanax, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt because they did have a slightly bitter taste. One did nothing. So I took 5. They did nothing. 5 real bars (10mg) of xanax would have me on my ass and out. These are fake crap. The 1 mg ones I ordered from the same place were in blister packs with "Trilam-1" on the packaging. Those were real, although a little less strong thatn an American 1mg. Maybe .75 or .8mg

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Should be cool, I usually only mess with ones that say XANAX on them and have a 2 on the back, those are the ones that are best

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Ive been taking Xanax for 26 years. Believe me that these Xanax you guys are talking about has a sweeter taste than the Xanax I've been taking for years. They are real but they don't effect me at all. Chewed 5 bars and didn't feel anything.

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I just took half of one of these Gg/2/4/9 bars and they do have the minty bitter alprazolam taste and I am starting to feel the same effects I would feel off of half of one of the yellow bars... Mine do have the open topped 4 and seem to be working correctly... They also produce the heightened sensation of taste when eating or drinking food, that I'm sure most of you are familiar with when taking legitimate Xanax. Hope this helps...

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Onax? Apart from my fear of getting caught, especially if I was receiving fake pills is the primary reason ive not tried. Also in the recent past ive received fake ones on a few occasions which makes me think where are they getting them, India?

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would they not make the fake the same size? I'm in North Carolina and got a hold of some.I ate three bars yesterday and felt nothing

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I have the white GG/2/4/9 bars. They look legit, & I called Poison Control & they said they are 2mg Alprazolam. However, my concern is the taste. They are INCREDIBLY BITTER & I have been taking Xanax/Alprazolam for 10+ years & they NEVER taste bitter to me. I have taken every color, shape, etc. there is & the taste is very subtle & maybe a little chalky, if anything, but not bitter at all (to me). Some people tell me Xanax/Alprazolam is always bitter to them, & marvel that I have no problem taking them sublingually. I think these particular white GG 249 bars might be fake.

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Listen, GG/2/4/9 PLAIN NO LINES ON THE BACK AND KIND OF SHINE WHITE - THEY'RE REAL BARS OK MA, THERE ARE TOO MANY DIFFERENT ALPRAZOLAM TABLETS OUT THERE AND THEY ARE REAL.. INDIA STARTED WITH 3 NEW COMPANIES MAKING alprazolam even clear blue bars ..that's crazy but they are real... I only find fake the gg249 beige. They're not good..

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How did it work out for ya? R these gg249 real or fake?

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Just wondering...IF it IS a fake....will u fail a drug panel? (other than benzo)?

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That is not true. The 4 is the same on both, open but the length is what matters

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OptikaWn, good reply. Everything u said is absolutely true. These ppl should not be going where ever to whoever to buy pills and expect to get what they came for. I got mine from a pharmacy and they where fine.

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Website please lol I've looked and never found.

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They don't no how much mgs In them sum work some can't feel have u ever seen the gg249 look real got some sort of med taste but they shine n have like a coating on em has ny one seen these gg 249 real hard to brk I'm thinking people or foreigners r making what ever a q in a whole one I think these here are fake to

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Ur lying or misinformed wat u just identified I picked up at my pharmacy which is a national chain pharmacy so they would not give me fake pills so ur very wrong making people think that don't listen they are real if u pick them up from the pharmacy they are real

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Dude peoples u do understand there is like 9 million generic companies out there right. There is a crap load of different ones they come in .25 mg .5mg 1mg 2mg and even 3mg extended release. There are yellow bars, green bars. And many many white one like the ones that are kinda oval shaped on the edges the regular name brand perfect square edge ones witch are best then the other perfect square edge generic witch are basically #2. Then the ones ur all talkin about. Yes they are real, I got 120 of em yesterday right here in the USA from the pharmacy. So #1 don't order stupid pills from dirty 3rd world countries, #2 know who the hell u get em from. #3 if u live in the sticks then we'll that's ur fault, go into the city where u can fill what ever prescription u want with out a problem, but then again those of you that make longs drives to the city are the ones that get busted and f***ed with the most.

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