Fake Greenstone 2mg Xanax Bars?
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I apologize I know the Internet is FLOODED with fake xanax questions, but i can't seem to find a good answer. Lately I've been getting White G3723. I tested myself on a 4 panel and didn't fail for anything but thc (benzodiazepines weren't on the test). The bars are 15mm in length, the G has angles to it like a stop sign and they basically match every visual comparison of an authentic 2mg greenstone bar. My concerns: -Dissolves very quickly in water -Not extremely bitter, but I slightly taste the notorious Xanax taste -They feel weak even though I have a tolerance, but still make me calm. My guess is these might be "perfected" or new bars without the drunk feeling, ignorance, etc, because I'm aware greenstone changed their formula in 2014. Thoughts? Thank you.

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Alprazolam isn't water soluble.

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Re: jon (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

The green ones, the two mg green bars, the fake ones look real unless u have a fake one and a real one to compare the difference. The real ones are thinner, just better put together. But the best way for me to test them is to keep the fake ones and when I get real ones, break a little piece off of both and put them in different spoons. Put about 3-4 drops of water and wait about ten seconds. Stick your finger on the pill n apply a little pressure and if it crumbles immediately throw that b**** out. If it takes a few minutes to dissolve, ur good to go, it works for me. I just know that’s how I can tell, but I can also tell by just looking now. If they look Bootleg they probably are. Real chalky.

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Real Xanax are not hard to break unless you are getting brand new out of the press ones. The green 3 mg bars do not and have never tasted like a white 2mg. It almost tastes like a bar of soap with a hint of a 2mg. That's about it. They don't fake the green they fake the white you can't take a MG out. The benzo is in the bar in the middle. It's a flat sheet if you dissolve it. I have had fake whites and those have fentanyl in them. Not the green 3 mgs. They are what they say they are. You can't press them. Now with that said. If you want real ones talk to a physician. But they aren't made for men. They are made for women. You are buying them. You deserve what you get then. If it didn't come out of a pharmacy you are asking to die from something. This one thinks those are 2mg. They are 3 mg. Now I suggest going and taking a pharmacology class and not ask on the internet.

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Re: Elah (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Listen real zanax are hard to break, have a bitter taste to them. There are fake ones going around. What they're doing is taking 2mg bars subtracting 1mg and repressing them.. So your getting alprazolam but only 1 MG in a 2mg bar. They are doubling their profits this way

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I know somebody that just got beat for a bunch of fake Greenstone's. On everyone he told me the 22 was missing on everyone of the sticks. All it said was G37 but this was from the street.

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Re: Brit (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

Same thing just happened to me got 14 greens w white Speckles very dark green heart very hard and not much of a bitter taste at all does anyone have any answers? Makes me very tired but stops my shakes my body is dependent.

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Re: EDDY (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

It's not in our mind, it is a physical response to the dose being lowered because of substandard pharmacology. Greenstone causes me to fail my drug tests every time. sandbox kinda works , Dava does not work period, generics are NOT FDA monitored causing the fluctuating strength of the alprazolam from 80% to 140%. all mental health, organ transplant drugs, or any seizure drug should always be brand name, the FDA always tests them.

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Re: jon (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I just got a green one. It's not the same green and has like speckles or something. It's a darker green. I took two and don't feel s***.

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To be honest i believe and ive heard it being a nurse that they are making them not as strong as to lower dependency. If it taste a little like a xanax its real its Just a lowered dose. Which is why its breaks up like it does. If i were you i would ask for the round ones! They are strong. The yellow ones tend to be stronger but id have my doc up it to 3mg if he can. Those have not been placebos.

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I have had this exact same problem. They were supposed to be 2mg Greenstone generic Alprazolam. These are fake and not fake at the same time. Whats happening is that people are pressing these pills, which usually makes them much harder to break up, and they have a chalky, kinda sweet taste. There isnt any alprazolam in them, but instead people are putting Etizolam in them. From what i have gotten, 1 of these pressed G 3722 pills are about as equivelent as 2mg of clonazepam at most. Etizolam is very easy to find on the black or gray market and can be purchased outside of the country or online in powder form. Since Etizolam is indeed a benzodiazepine, you are still feeling some effects, but it is as about half as potent as a real G 3722 Greenstone alprazolam bar. That is, if you're lucky bc they can put as little or as much Etizolam in those as they want. If you have a script, in my opinion the best generics are in order from best to worst are as follows: Greenstone (G 3722 white bars), Actavis (the yellow bars with r 039), Dava (green bars), then Sandoz (gg249 white bars). Actavis and Greenstone are just about equal imo. I have years and years of experience with all of these, and have a PhD in Pharmacology. Everyone please be careful with any xanax out there that you might even remotely think is fake. These could contain Fentanyl and cause respiratory depression that will kill you within minutes or even seconds. Just wanted to give my input. First time poster.

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Sorry real ones are 3721 greenstone 2s those are tge real numbers so ya those are fake be careful alot of fentanyl found in xanax now.

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Also, a lot of pharmacies will give you pills that are out of date by a day or so. The fresher they are the better they are. The more times the bottle's opened the potency goes down. Honestly, I would send it out to a lab and find out what inactive ingredients are in it.

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Re: Bluezlady (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Yes pfizer makes greenstone and use the same amount of active drug unlike moat others are allowed to be 10% off active ingredient some have been found off 18% mylans are horrible.davas are decent also actavis is really good and sandoz are decent if you wanna know anything let me know.

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The 3727 are the real ones, I'm almost sure. I had some and they were harder to break.

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Re: jon (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I was a pharmacy manager for 7 yrs from what I understand Phyzer makes the brand . Greenstone is a subsidery of Phyzer they r s Greenstone's . From what I read the only generic the only alpraz that is the same compound as name brand xanex Greenstone's gen. Is the only one that works for me. If u can not get that then give the Dava's a try. They works almost as good as Greenstone's.. those greens n yellows a
ll suck. Good luck all.

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They are fake always thick I promise you the bitter no taste gives it away don't eat the thin ones

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Pleaae show me a picturebof fake xanex green bar and real what is cor differnece numbers i need a fake pic and a real pic

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Exactly, I'm doubting it all. Last 2 scripts have been complete bulls***. Xanax should not make you sweat. Not on Any other drugs. These are fake, and if not they finally found a way to f*** up the best thing out there??

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It is NOT in my mind. And NO the Mylan does NOT work for me! It's ridiculous for you to assume that.

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The Mylans work too. Pharmacies order what is available and the cheapest. I'm sure its mostly in your mind and no, you can't take any actions against the Pharmacy because the Pharmacist got testy with you

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