Former Jadelle User (Top voted first)


Hi gals :-) Just sharing my experience with all of you.

I had the Jadelle implanted a few months after I had my daughter about May 2011. I was having a period as normal once a month differing in length but nothing abnormal and much lighter flow than what I was previously use to.... I thought wow I'm lucky , ofcourse i was not lols I started to bleed a full week than stop than two/weeks later bleed another full week this carried on for two months I saw my doctor and was told its just my body trying to get use to the Implant and let it be for atleast 6-7 months (from my calculations this was about my fifth) so idid I waited a full two months and it got completely worse I bled constantly for that whole two months no breaks or anything somedays it would be verry light so ithought it maybe be stopping but no by the morning it was still a continuous flow, numerous doctors visits and I concluded I just wanted it out.... that took forever from a pre-examination appointment to the actual damn thing I bled for a whole year and a half with doctors saying it was still normal! Lols

Maybe it works for maybe it doesn't just please if your story is anything like mine do not wait get it out asap! :-)

3 Replies

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Hello, Jellybean123! How are you doing, since you got rid of it?

Yes, since they only contain a form of the hormone Progesterone, it can cause this in some women that use it. It always amazes me that doctors seem to think the bleeding is just a minor inconvenience, I am so very sorry that you went through this.

Is there anything I can help with?

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I got this jadelle implant somtimes september,2012.Though I don't menstruate while breastfeeding,I expected my mensed to start flowing after weaning.I have stoped breastfeeding since december,2013 but I've stil not seen my period.I am also gaining weight excessively.please what should I do?shld I get it removed?

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I got the implant in February and my period started the second week in April and it's still flowing. Most days it acts as if it's going to stop and then it continues to flow for a couple hours after. I'm still seeing my period and I want the implant removed because it is causing a delay both in my intimate life and my social life when I want to go to the beach.. I can't take it no more.. I feel abdominal pain once in a while. I want it removed and asap.

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