Focalin Shortage (Page 2) (Top voted first)


My son has been on Focaling regular release for two years, we have never had a problem getting his medicine filled until this past month. Since he was diagnosed at 4 we have tried EVERY other medicine out there but nothing works for him but Focalin. He is finally where he needs to be and is doing well at home and in school. I am not sure what to do, is there any idea when this shortage will be over? He takes 20MG in the monring 15 at lunch and 10 in the afternoon. So our prescription is fairly large. He cannot take the XR because it has to many ups and downs. It is sad that because of the drug abusers that my child who cannot function without this medication cannot get what they need. It makes me SICK that some of these comments are from adults just using this drug to have energy or to get their housework done. Our son needs this to be a normal child, to be able to go to school, to be able to play with his friends, to be able to play baseball. If you are using this drug just for the fun of it please go and find something else to catch a buzz with. Do not take the drugs little kids need away from them for your selfishness.

74 Replies (4 Pages)

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This is the first thread I've found addressing this issue. I thought for sure I was going crazy! My son (8, ADHD and Aspergers) takes both XR and fast-acting Focalin. We haven't been able to get 5mg tablets for 1 month+. CVS told me it was manufacturer's back-order, but as others have mentioned, the shortage isn't being reported through FDA or anywhere else. No one in our state (RI) has had any 5mg Focalin in over a month. I just found 120 x 2.5 mg tablets (a 1 month supply) today, and I would advise others whose kids can't tolerate Ritalin to do the same! Also, report the shortage.

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Ok I did find the 5mg immediate release yesterday for my son. I found it at a hospital pharmacy within the hospital. I don't know if this may help any of u guys but thought I would put it out there

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I reported it as a shortage to the FDA today but the response I received is that there is no national shortage. However, I have talked to the NATIONAL people at CVS, Walgreens and Rite-aid and all tell me it is on back order. Novartis and Teva both told me on the phone today that there are supply issues so I do not understand why the FDA would not list this drug as a shortage. Novartis has it on National Backorder for 10mg until March 10. I would encourage everyone to report it as being a shortage and maybe the list will get updated. My understanding is if the drug is listed as being a national shortage then the manufacturers have to give a plan of when the drugs will be available.

One reason it may not be being reported as a shortage is because the manufacturers are the ones who are supposed to report the shortage is the first place although consumer can as well to the website above. Once it is put on the shortage list then I think this issue will be addressed.

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The quota shortage is a myth. I have talked to the DEA and asked TEVA point blank if they were under the quota and Teva told me that they were under the quoto. The DEA confirmed this to me. They want to blame the quota but when you press them they admit it is a "supply" issue but will not confirm the reason. Everybody needs to report this to either the FDA shortages email address or report it to the American Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals. The manufacturer is supposed to "self report" but evidently that is not happening

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People having problems with the shortage should contact their local news station. I did and in only a matter of minutes I got a reply from an investigator wanting to do the story. If we raise awareness then maybe we can make a change.

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I found some at a smaller pharmacy in Birmingham but not the generic but oh well. The Wal-Greens near me said they are releasing it March 1st for generic and name brand so maybe there is a light at the End of the Tunnel.

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My son went to the doctor today and switched his 5mg IR focalin to the 20mg XR. Good news is it's in stock. I just know that the 5mg is not available at all.

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U can contact an organization, they help with medications that are given to them and they test. check and everything else to them before they give them to anyone. Their is paperwork that has to be filled out as well

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My local Walgreens just got a supply of the generic focalin in! Apparently, they are now making it again. I dropped off my son's rx for 180 pills today and they were able fill it. I can't believe it! It's Christmas Day for me!!!

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I did find one drugstore in my town this week after calling about a dozen that had received a Teva generic 10mg batch. But it sold out immediately before I got there. I called around the next day to another five or six and I found it at a CVS. So, the Teva released batches are starting to get on the market. The key is HOW QUICKLY TEVA and NOVARTIS MOVED WHEN THE DRUG GOT LISTED ON THE SHORTAGE LIST. Up until the shortage listing Teva had been saying it may take 6 months or more. However, the scrutiny of it listed as being as a shortage drug remedied the supply issue faster than anything. The moral of the story is that the next time this happens we have to act in a concerted way to get the FDA to quickly recognize the shortage. I applaud everyone on here for calling the FDA and others (congress people, American Assoc. of Pharm Professionals, etc.). People on here are the reason this drug is out there today in my opinion.

Just remember that the cozy exclusive license relationship Teva has with Novartis is set up well to manipulate and force the sale of Focalin XR at the expense of its generic "cousin". It is amazing how quickly the "raw material shortage" situation at Teva was resolved once the FDA listed it as being a national shortage and Teva faced the newspaper articles and scrutiny that comes along with that distinction. Teva had hid behind "quota" excuses for far too long and when the quota myth was debunked and Teva got its drug listed as a shortage item and had to give a reason other than quotas (which was not correct), Teva shipped within two weeks.

Again, thank you for all your pushing on this and remember next time what worked to get the shortage fixed: Listing on the shortage website.

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I wish they would get this fix they just put my kiddo on facalin dec and he was doing great the they change it to Ritalin and it don't work right grr

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Just found Focalin at another pharmacy. They can't get the generic, but my insurance will cover the regular. The generic is suppose to be the one that is hard to get, but my other pharmacy could not get either. I was calling all over and willing to drive hours if need be. Safe for another month.

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Thank you all for your replies this is just such a sad situation . I contacted Teva by email and they said it is on backorder for 8 weeks but that could change and that I should consult my son's physician for an alternative medication. There is not an alternative medication we have tried every single other medicine there is. I am just devistated. I hope this situation in a more timely manner.

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Every pharmacy that I've been to in and around Birmingham al

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Your story is my story. I have an almost 12 yr old severe ADHD son who needs these meds. The XR is to up and down for him. What are we going to do? My child will suffer for this.

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I'm in Birmingham as well, have tried every Pharmacy within 150 miles and cannot locate Focalin 5mg for my frustrating!

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This is interesting, we live in DE, we are experiencing the same problem here - calling all kinds of pharmacies within county and not one has this medication! I've been reading through all your posts, this has been going on for more than a week?!? Thanks for Teva phone number, will call in the morning. then call son's doctor for suggestions. Feel bad for kids who have severe cases

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There is a shortage of Focalin IR in my area as well. I take 10mg of Focalin XR during the day. I take the Focalin IR at night. I can get the Focalin XR but not the IR - Immediate release. I talked to the Pharmacist about it today. He said basically Ritalin and Focalin are the same medication. I know the Focalin is the active molecule in Ritalin. The Pharmacist said I could take the Focalin XR during the day and the Ritalin at night. I am going to try switching to the Ritalin at night until the shortage is over.
There was another shortage of Focalin a couple of years ago but it was not as bad as this one. I called about 10 pharmacies and none of them had any.

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Same situation as X described here in Ilinois. We can still get XR, but not the immediate release for my son's afternoon dose. I checked FDA's website too but it's not listed.

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Hi Everyone. I am also glad to find this thread. We are experiencing the same thing here in Harrisburg, PA. Will start calling the smaller pharmacies tomorrow. Costco had 58 pills today but then refused to give them to us because they had just passed their expiration date. (that impulsive moment when you want to grab them and run). We will see what happens. As someone else said, this would be unacceptable for a heart medication or a seizure medication or a cancer drug.

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