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simple answer. use a bioclusive bandage (tape) on it. ive been using this over my oatch for 10 yrs now.. at first it is painful to get the tape off, but you soon get used to it.. besides you can slowly ease it off in the shower. the bioclusive tape is brilliant and my doctor prescribes it to me together with the patch. you can swim, shower, etc with it... completly waterproff.. just cu the it to size and apply ontop of the patch to keep it secure.

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Ask you pharmacy to give you a different manufacturer (brand). I changed and have no problem.

It says right on the instructions not to cover with tape.

When the old type I used came off the pharmacy replaced them free for me.

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the patch only goes to 100mcg it does not go to 150 mcgs.

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To the person who said that it is illegal...I was referring to the Nexcare product NOT Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a controlled substance, as I'm sure you know, and requires a paper prescription presented IN PERSON at a licensed pharmacy. However, there isn't a prescription required for the Nexcare dressings.

They are clear and breath, however, they do not permit water to go through them. I've been getting them over the Internet for four years--it is perfectly legal.

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Yes a Tegaderm patch is a product that works best and is in the package inserts on several brands of Fentanyl...Its made by Nexcare a 3 M company and is available everywhere. the 4inch by 4 3/4 (101mm x 120mm)It covers the entire area and your arm will come of before the patch over the Fentanyl patch.make sure to hold the Fentanyl patch on when applied for at least one minute.then apply the Tegaderm patch over centering over the Fentanyl, Rocker D

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Get some of the really big band aids and put it over it.. The waterproof ones.. That's how I keep mine for 3 days

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Nexcare makes a waterproof clear bandage that fits right over patch and keeps them on way better than tape.....they r expensive, but well worth it as u will b able to save ur script.

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If you are using MYLAN Fentanyl patches, just call them and they will send you FREE covers. I just did this and it worked perfectly! The free number is on the inside pamphlet.

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Hi there.. I just switched from the PAR brand to the Sandoz... The sandoz are not jelly filled like the par and they are so much smaller, and they stay on thru anything, However when i did call PAR they mailed me 200 yess 200 4x4.5 size tegaderm at no cost and when they found out i had to waste a few patched they reimbursed me for the out of pocket I had to pay for the script

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Hi I started with bioclusive which is & was a total PAIN in the ass to figure out how to pull each piece off.. Ugh! I still have 2 boxes from before the Fenty generic was approved. So was by Johnson & Johnson & they sent them to me free.. 200 a month :-) But as yrs went by I've used Tegraderm 3M. They are the best on the market. BUT since I switched to Mylan patches 25 no need. Lets just say I'm in the far south east & it is the absolute WORST state if you have medical issues. We were in Colorado most of my life & started on the patches in 2001 & was prescribed properly... as tolerance became issue I was given 50 then 75 then 100 as needed. & other for break thru pain. Down here they don't believe in prescribing.. So what I get I should be totally lucky I even get that. Of course it is linked thru whole state when & what you are given, all details. Kinda like driving, states are linked.... Anyway. I wish more than anything I could go back to Colorado but, am lucky to even walk to mail box..... They think that people who abuse them are everyone on them... Down here it is soooooo prejudice! I hate it so much. I can take a script if I visit to Colo & no question asked just be filled. Down here if I go to anywhere outside of county or from where I normally get them I am refused because I'm told they can't fill it due to the enforcement agency... Which is all bull s***. But anyway I'm venting.. am very sorry. I wanted to say thank you for the extra info on the OPSITE FLEXIFIX.. In case I need to use it.. Is it all have the green lines on it?

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I Remember getting Bioclusive Patches Free From Johnson & Johnson. Someone back in early 2006 told me how to get them free so I told my mother & she called to get them also but she doesn't use them, she gives them to me. I was stupid to call them & tell them it leaves a Red mark around the where the patch was when I took it off. So they tell me that because of the mark they won't send it to me anymore. That ended in 2011. So use the Tegaderm now. Love em. What I hate and we probably all know why it stopped was the Fentanyl Patch with the Gel. I hate them without it. It worked so much better. One company Starting with a A (forget) as of early 2015 still had the Gel But for me 1 month through my Mail in Pharmacy I pay 15 for 3 boxes instead of going locally which can range from 59.00 to over 100.00. So it was a easy answer & go without the Gel.

1 Last thing. My Pain Dr. Gives me 3 boxes a month where 2 boxes is a months supply. He gives the an extra box because he knows they fall off. So now I stock up on that extra box so I didn't have to go to the Dr. each month but 5-6 weeks later.
But as I said above the Patch became a PA Drug (Prior Authorization) & my Dr. Never called to say I needed it & the Mail in Pharmacy sent him 3 Faxes over 2 months & his staff said he is working on it which he did not So I Pulled off the Patch with 1 box left and Went Cold Turkey. Worst feeling in the World. No Methadone or anything else to take the Edge off. I could not take the Pills (vicodin or Percocet) as it Hurt my Stomach. Still have 7 year old Vicodin which does nothing for me. Now I see why I need to be put back on the Patch. WAY to Much Pain. From a 30 year old Back Problem to Fibromyalgia & Just recently Ankle surgery where when I cam out of surgery they put me on guess what Yes Fentanyl through my arm where the needle is. But went cold turkey a month before. Yes Dr.s. Know when they put us on this stuff they Know addiction it causes and we are Dependent on these Dr.s (same with Pills).

My Older sister in late 2008 Stole 2 patches (who never used them Ever) & put both on. My mom found her no responsive and called 911. She actually Died from Gallbladder Surgery in 2009. She Bled to death but without that Oxygen/Pulse monitor which they said was not needed. She stopped breathing & no one knew for how long. When it takes 15 minutes to Resuscitate someone you are all ready Brain Dead. (This happened in Delray Medical Hospital). I hate Florida Doctors, even my grandparents in the 1970's drove back to NY to see there Doctors as they did not trust them. I am Originally From Brooklyn NY if anyone out there lives me Give me a Shout. Sorry for long letter (I also Graduated HS On another sisters birthday & she too was Brain Dead From Qualudes which was very popular in the earl 80's till Reagan Made it illegal. I don't even remember my Graduation as as it was my Sisters birthday & she was in a Coma until they pulled the Plug & she died July 6 1983. Worst day in my Life till my fathers death in 2001 & other sister in 2009. ty. {edited for privacy}. take care all.

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My pharmacy has been unable to get fentanyl patches from PAR PHARMACEUTICAL. I have found them to be most like the Duragesic brand. Is anyone else having problems?

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Re: CHELLY Rose (# 184) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sorry but I have a REALLY hard time believing that after 6-7 years of wearing a patch that you had close to no withdrawal symptoms!?!? Cold turkey and " it wasn't too bad " ????? Come on.

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Re: Dixie (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

I have a really hard time believing that. Years of patch and no withdrawal!?! It wasn't too bad!?!??! Come on

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Re: den (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I use the Tegaderm HP (by 3M) in size 4”x 4 3/4” and have never had a problem. I sweat profusely in summer months and shower at least once daily. I order them by box of 50 to cut the cost to approximately $.75/Tegaderm.
Hope this helps!

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Hi. I have been on the patch forever. I like Mylan patches better B/C they stick better and take up less room. Glad wrap makes a product that keeps it waterproof, it's called Press and seal. I just wrap it around patch and arm and no problems. I have very thick long hair and I use these on the nights I wash hair. Most supermarkets have it in the baggies/foil isle. This will work.

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Hello Bull,
Yesterday was my first visit to this site. I didn't know it existed. The replys to your post regarding securing the duragesic patch are really something. Very creative. I meant to bring the tape with me into my office so that I could give you the exact name but forgot. I had exactly the same problem and experimented for a while before finding this tape. It works perfectly every time. Cost is minimal and depends how much tape you are using. Simple , fast ,effective and economical. Look for my post tomorrow for the exact name of tape. It's the only one I have found that really works well in this situation.


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Hi all i enjoyed reading your posts. I started the 25mcg/hr about 8 hours ago. I was previosly taking 20mg oxycontin twice a day and 2-3 percocet a day for nerve damage in my back and arthritis in my knees. i was wondering when i will start the feel the maximum does for pain relief. I am not looking to get high just to get some normal pain relief. any info would great....Thx

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use MYLAN fentanyl patches they don't come of in shower or swimmingbuilieni xxxiv

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I just started on the patch after struggling with many other ineffective methods and drugs for pain management. So far this has been a godsend! I started on the 50mcg and I almost immediately noticed a huge difference in my level of pain and I feel I will no longer need breakthrough meds very soon. Anyways years ago when I quit smoking I used the nicotine patch and before I picked up this script I knew keeping the thing on was going to be a challenge for me. Using medical tape for the edges is a real pain in the rear and I had more issues with that sticking to my shirt and my sleeve pulling the patch off than the patch doing that by itself. I have the Mylan patch and they are sending me dressings to cover it and in the mean time while I wait for my shipment I picked up a box of Tegaderm Transparent Dressing and it is working like a charm. A lot of hospitals use these or what feels like these to cover IVs. They're breathable and flexible so they should remain on regardless of what you put it through and it shouldn't have an increase or decrease effect in the amount of meds your patch supply's you. This box of 8 was a little pricey ($10) but, I would highly recommend calling the manufacturer of your patch first as they seem to offer to send this out no questions asked and for free and use the store bought for the few days to a week you've gotta wait for your free ones to get here.

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