Fda Require Periodic Reduction Of Psych Meds (Top voted first)


In the past three days my 70 year old mother has showed mildly increasing signs of paranoia. This was only after having her Risperdal medication reduced three weeks ago per FDA law for nursing home patients. How is this FDA law in her best interest?

2 Replies

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I've never heard of such a law, normally the FDA does not mess with what the doctor's decide is the best dosing and treatment.

I find myself having to ask, have they shown you proof of this being a law?

I can't see as how this would be in any patients best interest, whatsoever, especially not at her age.

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my son was given 1125mg of diwa every day and he developed hissing sounds in is ears the doctor reduced the dose 750mg a day and soltus 200mg a day will this again triger ocm and panic attacks

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