Extreme Salty Taste In Mouth For 20 Days! (Page 3)
UpdatedI'm a 51 yr. old female who woke up on April 7, 2011, with an extremely salty taste in my mouth. When I tried to drink water to wash it out, it was like drinking salt gargle water. Nothing I eat or drink makes it go away. I can't stand to put anything in my mouth that is salty because the salt taste already in my mouth makes it almost unswallowable. Prior to that day, I have only 2 regular medications that I take daily: Lisinopril 40 mg( increased from 20 mg in mid November) for high BPas well as HCTZ 25 mg(been taking Lisinopril for 8 years) and 1mg of ropinorole(generic for Requip) for RLS (taking for almost 6 years). I also take black cohosh twice a day for hot flashes and night sweats(last menstrual cycle was Sept. 2010). On March 18, I started taking a 10 day prescription for NOHIST for a sinus inflammation, as well as FLONASE and a cough medicine. I had taken both the Flonase and cough medicine years previously, but had never had the NOHIST before. I finished the NOHIST and had no other symptoms. I had also been following a nutrition plan since mid- February losing 2-3 lbs. per week, eating lots of protein, and walking 2 miles 3-4 times a week on a treadmill at the gym. I was feeling good and my energy levels were good. I had been drinking 5-6 glasses of water daily and then after the salty taste, I could hardly drink one glass. I ended up with a UTI because of the lack of fluids that I wasn't able to drink, and then had to take Cipro for 3 days and drink (salty) cranberry juice. Yuck! I also had lab work done and it showed a positive on the A & A and also a positive on the IGG. With those results, I was referred to a rheumatologist (which could take months to get in to see) and my primary care doctor changed by BP med to Triamatrene 75 mg and HTCZ 50 mg. Its been 5 days on the new BP med with no change yet. My willpower to make myself drink and eat is slowly eroding. I know that if I don't keep drinking that I could end up seriously dehydrated and in the hospital, with who knows what other problems. My doctor doesn't want to see me for 6 weeks and I still don't know when I will get an appt. with the rheumatologist!!! I have searched everything I can think of on the internet, without any hope of what it could be. I am a teacher and mother of three daughters who need me to stay out of the hospital! I hope that you can come up with a possible cause or direction that will find answers and soon! So I challenge you to find an answer, and in the meantime, drink a glass of water with about 5 TBS. of salt in it and drink it, at least 3 times a day and also swish it around in your mouth continuously and then swallow it!!!! The only time you won't taste it is when you go to sleep. And its the first thing that you consciously are aware of the instant that you wake up! Then think about having to do this for at least the next 20 days and then maybe you will have an idea of how I am feeling!!!!! Desperate!!!!!!!!!
Could you share how much the hypnosis sessions cost? How long did you have the salty tasteFQSX
Whoever posted a reply on this issue using the name "Lorenzo de Rockinstahler" is a fake. That is my name and I DID NOT make that post!
Sara, I loved reading that your salty taste is gone. I too have had the same problem for 3 months. I want to thank you for giving The Lord the glory for this miracle. I am praying for the same miracle. I know that this could be a lot worse. I wished that you pray for me and the direction that I need to go in my mystery illness. Thank you so much.
I have had a salty taste in my mouth for about three months now. I can see that several of us have in common the following: sinus problems and use of Flonase and/or saline nasal rinse to treat these. I also used Claritin which seemed to worsen the saltiness. But I still have the salty taste and will see what happens if I drop the saline rinse.
I have seen 3 doctors about this condition. I have eliminated everything that I can that has any amount of sodium in it. I was drinking bottled water that tasted like a bottle of salt. I just switched to a non-sodium water and going to see if that helps. My first doctor put me on Vitamin B complex.....not the answer. The second doctor had me swish my mouth with a compounded oral wash....no available. I finally went to a ENT this week and he said that he is treating it as a former trauma to the nerve that connects the tongue and put me on Gabenpentin. I am to go back in 3 weeks. I hate being on meds, but I would gladly welcome them to my system if it indeed helped. He is going to go down thru my sinus cavity with a small scope when I go back. I almost wished he would find something, so that I can attribute it to my condition. I will keep everyone posted.
you might have a lip biopsy done. Mine showed no saliva cells on lymphocytes. Diagnosed as sjogrens.
Lots of artificial saliva ointments mouthwashes etc, I have found these only help for a few minutes. Have been suffering 3 years without help. Have seen nutritionist, ENT alternative MD's. The only answer is the nerve endings on my tongue interpret my dry mouth as salt. Good Luck!
I know what you mean about not using medications, I feel the same way. I had surgery on my sinuses for a wall of infection. After a month I had the worst salty taste and the ENT said I had an infection. He put me omamox tr-k clv 875-125 mg substituted for AUGMENTIN 875 tablets -- it cleared it up and he was surprised by the salty taste - first time in his experience, so maybe your ENT should try that since it took away my extreme salty taste.
I will be praying that the Lord would heal you as He did me and that you will be able to give Him all the glory for your healing. The healing began on the 9th of December, just about the same amount of time that you have been dealing with the saltiness. God bless you and come to your aid.
Oh Sara. Thank you so much. I have another friend praying as well.
Developed salty taste recently after being hospitalized for dehydration. Also, gall bladder surgery March 13. It is also causing nausea.
been on augmentin for two weeks with no luck.. going on 4 years with the salty taste. no answers from anybody..
I have had a salty mouth for 3 years, no help from any doctor, have been on augmentin and several other meds, no infection. Was diagnosed with sjogrens that attacks endocrine system saliva glands, tear ducts, thyroid, etc. There are medications that can help the saliva flow which might help is a decrease flow in saliva is the problem . The main one sjogren patients use is Evoxac. I have been to two National Conventions for Sjogrens they call themselves moisture seekers. And most people were help with Evoxac. It did not help me because my saliva glands were already destroyed by lymophocite cells before I was diagnosed. At this point I have forgotten what real food taste like or plain water. It taste like the ocean.
Sjogrens is diagnosed by a painless biopsy of the lower lip. Hope this helps someone.
In response to tasting salt everytime you drink something, I experienced this for about 2 weeks. I tried drinking more water, thinking that I may be dehydrated, but that did not work. So, I started going over my medications and researching the causes on the internet. Come to find out, taking 2 carbonic anhdrate inhibitors(anti-convulsant)medications, was what caused the constant salt taste in my mouth. Needless to say, I discontinued one of the anti-convulant meds. and I am back to normal. The two medications were: Topiramate(Topamax) and Zonisamide(Zonegran). Upon researching these to medications I also discovered that you should not combined two carbonic anhydrate inhibitors, for they may cause Major reactions together. My doctor was in total agreement. I do hope this information is able to help some.
I have the solution (Sorry for bad english, i write from hungary). I had the same problem for two days, when i realized that i drink to much water(over 3 bottles mineral water). no metter you feel thirsty, don,t drink much, until your mouth is back to normal. believe me, it helps.
"Throughout this whole ordeal, I really relied on drinking my 2 Herbalife nutritionally healthy meal replacement shakes to keep me out of the hospital!!! I have felt good (other than the stress of the salt taste) and kept my energy level high! If it hadn't been for those products, I really think that I would have ended up in the hospital! Herbalife does not ever claim to heal people from their health issues, only that it provides the body with the nutrition it needs so that the body can take care of itself! I am so happy that through this horrible salty ordeal, that I have found a way of life and products that will keep me healthy for a lifetime!!" - 'Kay' Sat, Jun 11 '11, 9:42 PM
'Kay' is pretty obviously a fake, and is simply writing a long drawn out out ad for Herbalife. Notice this person never explained what caused the condition of salty mouth, nor would 'she' be interested in knowing.
Dear Kay....I know exactly where you are coming from. Only the tip of my tongue burns whenever I drink water or eat about anything there is. It does seem to hurt or burn more when I eat sodium or eat food that has a tart taste, like lemons, etc. I am now going to a wellness doctor to see if he can help with no help from my primary physician, ob/gyn and ENT doctor. The wellness doctor said that since my mouth is full of tooth fillings from back 25 years ago, I could possibly have too much mercury in my system. We are doing blood work for that. If that isn't the answer he suggested accupunture to reset that nerve in the area of the tongue...then maybe put me on steroids to see if that helps. I feel your pain. I am perfect health and really do not have any major ailments. But this burning tongue about gets the best of me. There is a taste and smell clinic in Washington that I have inquired about, but that will be my last resort. Just drinking water itself sends me to the moon. This is the weirdest thing that I have ever had. Hope you find help as well.
I have had the salty taste really bad for about a month now, I have recently had more of my stomach removed due to ulcers and scar tissue blockage and I now have only 1/3 of a stomach, I do believe it has something to do with your vitamins and minerals, I know that I am extremely anemic and I had just started to eat again when this salty taste hit. I can't stand to put anything in my mouth for the tast and yes sleep is the only comfort from this monster.
Have had extreme salty taste four years, have lost a lot of weight. I drink so much my blood sodium is low and have been told to cut back, impossible! Even if water taste like ocean, when I am stressed my mouth turns to fire. I was told a Southwestern Medical school that the dryness caused by Sjogrens like lupus has destroyed my salivary glands and my brain interprets the dry tongue as salt. To urge me to drink. I have been to many doctors and talked to people even in Canada and cannot find an answer. Am going to try bio-feedback.
What is bio feedback?
Biofeedback is a technique you can use to learn to control your body's functions, such as your heart rate. With biofeedback, you're connected to electrical sensors that help you receive information (feedback about your body bio. This feedback helps you focus on making subtle changes in your body, such as relaxing certain muscles, to achieve the results you want, such as reducing pain.
In essence, biofeedback gives you the power to use your thoughts to control your body, often to help with a health condition or physical performance. Biofeedback is often used as a relaxation technique.
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