Extream Overdose Help!
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My friends just took 10 54 mg of concerta! She this like 2 hours ago and she is feeling sick like weird fast heart rate and parts of her are going numb and she says that she is very dizzy and sleepy and I am so scared for her. I have called poison control and a whole bunch of other lines! What could happen to her!? Also her parents are out of town with my parenst and I have called my mum and dad like a bajillion times but their phones are dead! HELP ME! PLEASE!Is she going to die?! I need info on whats gpoing to happen A.S.A.P.

3 Replies

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And another one, what happened? Did you call an ambulance?

In the future, if anyone is afraid that the life of another person may be in danger, please call your nearest emergency facility immediately.

It is not safe to post on a few website and hope you get an answer in time.


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is your friend ok? something like that could kill a grown man. i hope she made it. wat happened?

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She is going to go into cardiac arrest anything past 200mg can be fatal you need to bring her to an ER right now! WTF was she thinking????

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