Expired Hyoscyamine Prescription, Is It Safe? (Top voted first)


I Have Severe Ulcer Pain And have Taken Hyoscyamine Sublingual Tabs With Good Results. I have meds But The Prescription Is Expired From 2007. Is It Safe To Take Now?

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Can i take hyoscyamine that expired in sept. of 2013?

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According to Harvard Medical School family health article, except in rare cases (i.e. tetracycline), there is little chance of danger due to taking medications even up to 15 years beyond their expiration date. This conclusion was based upon a study conducted at the request of the US military due to stockpiles of expensive drugs they could otherwise need to replace every few years. The conclusion was that 90% of those drugs remained effective 10 - 15 years after the expiration date.

Source: health.harvard.edu/fhg/updates/update1103a.shtml

But the question is whether the drug you have kept happens to be one of these drugs from the study... (I have not seen the list of drugs used in this study, so taking it would be at your own risk).

I hope this information helps you make the right decision!

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Re: cali (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have a script for Hyoscyamine sublingual 125mg TA prescribed for vomiting/spasms, causing dehydration.... I have so many left. Date says to use by 11/29/2019. Should I throw the rest away or could they be used if I get a stomach virus again?

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This med has been useful for me for a few years. However, it has a very short shelf life in my experience. Ineffective in less than one year.

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