Ex-Lax Forums

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Delotta side effects: had a test last month with the camera up your butt. Have not been able to go the the bathroom. Went to the hospital very very blotted, they gave me another Delotta, after the test my bowles cut loose. Thought every thing would be better. It got worse, now I look like I am four mo. pregnant, still cant go to the bathroom. Yes, I have eaten fiber, drink everything the pharm. advized, Philips Mag, exlax. ## Dilaudid contains the active ingredient Hydromorphone, which is an opiate narcotic and it may cause some constipation, but it should not be continuing for that long after taking it. Learn more Dilaudid details here. It sounds like you may have developed a possible serious medical condition, such as paralytic ileus. What other medications have you taken? Did they gi...

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The only marking is a black "ex" printed, not engraved, on only one side. If known, please note the dosage or how it can be determined. ## I got the answer: Ex-Lax Ultra Stimulant Laxative Comfort Coated Pills select2gether.com/ex-lax-ultra-stimulant-laxative-comfort-coated-pills-24-ea-detail-3270602 ## I'm glad you found it. I was actually just going to post that I thought that is what they may be, because my roommate has some that meet this description. Learn more Ex-Lax details here. Is there anything I can help with?

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found this pill, not sure what it is... kinda smells like chocolate.. can someone tell me what it is? ## I can't find a listing for this exact product, but that is more than likely because these are over the counter products, sold as generics and store brands. What is the color and shape? If it smells like chocolate, I suspect that it could be a chewable laxative, their version of Ex-Lax. ## yea thats wat i was thinking, its peach and kinda oval shaped ## I have these. They are a night time sleep aide. "New TRANQUIL® Nighttime Sleep Aid contains the maximum strength of a dependable OTC Sleep Aid ingredient for relief of occasional sleeplessness."

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