Evaluating Oxycodone Drug Testing Results
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I have been prescribed 10 milligram Oxycodone four times a day. I am 5'5 and weigh 148 pounds and I work 2 days a week serving food and am very active even though I am 64 year's old. I have only been taking 1/2 of a 10 milligram once a day, everyday. I went to my doctor a few days ago and one hour before I went I took one 10 milligram dose and was tested ten minutes after I arrived at the doctor's office. So, one hour and ten minutes after I took a 10 milligram they did a full urine test. I am wondering if my levels will be low in the urine test that was taken that day? In reality, I am only taking 5 milligrams a day and not the 40 milligrams a day that I am prescribed. Know that I do not abuse and have many left over. I also do not get my prescription filled at the same time every month because I have so many left over. How bad can it be for someone like myself that does not take them as prescribed and if the doctor wanted to he could count them and it would be correct? Just wondering and thank you for comments.

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I went to the doctor again yesterday and they tested me again because my levels were low from the month before. I explained that I did not take as many and the doctor was was understanding. However, I did take two 10 milligram everyday for 6 days then one 10 milligram two hour's before they tested me yesterday. I hope that I pass my drug test this time and that my level's will be higher. I did explain that sometimes I take two, then maybe 3 a day. I just hope it will be O.K. this time. I did take my left over medication in for him to count but he did not. I am supposed to take 4 10 milligrams of Oxycodone a day What do you think, will I pass my urine test or not?

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Re: Ann (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for the update. I’m really sorry that you failed for your levels being too low. I’ll be praying that your doctor is understanding and will just write your prescription for why you need. I know how frustrating and scary this whole ordeal can be and will keep you in my prayers. Best of luck Ann

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Well I failed my drug test because I did not have enough in my urine test. I have not returned to my doctor yet but I hope that he will understand when I take my medication in for him to count. I am hoping that he will just write for my medication to be less than what he usually does knowing that I have to many. We will see when the time comes and I will let you know then. Meanwhile everyone take care and do not abuse...

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Re: J (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can someone interpret this drug/urine test for me. I do not know what level the test is when it shows the amount for Oxycodone. Does it show a low amount ? Do I have enough in my system or is it really low ?

Prescription Verification Oxycodone 196 EXPECTED ng/mg creat Oxymorphone 882 EXPECTED ng/mg creat Noroxycodone 489 EXPECTED ng/mg creat Noroxymorphone 614 EXPECTED ng/mg creat Sources of oxycodone are scheduled prescription medications. Oxymorphone, noroxycodone, and noroxymorphone are expected metabolites of oxycodone. Oxymorphone is also available as a scheduled prescription medication. Drug Present not Declared for Prescription Verification Salicylate PRESENT UNEXPECTED Drug Absent but Declared for Prescription Verification Diazepam Not Detected UNEXPECTED ng/mg creat Codeine Not Detected UNEXPECTED ng/mg creat Promethazine Not Detected UNEXPECTED Lidocaine Not Detected UNEXPECTED Lidocaine, as indicated in the declared medication list, is not always detected even when used as directed. ==================================================================== Test Result Flag Units Ref Range Creatinine 28 mg/dL >=20 ==================================================================== Declared Medications: The flagging and interpretation on this report are based on the following declared medications. Unexpected results may arise from inaccuracies in the declared medications. **Note: The testing scope of this panel includes these medications: Codeine (Phenergan with Codeine) Diazepam (Valium) Oxycodone (Oxy-IR) Promethazine (Phenergan with Codeine) **Note: The testing scope of this panel does not include small to moderate amounts of these reported medications: Lidocaine (Lidoderm)

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Re: Ann (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I think that since you are honest with him about taking only as much as you need he would be understanding about your levels possibly being low. I honestly think you will be fine. I definitely understand keeping what you can for your upcoming transition to a different country and wish you the best of luck! Please keep us posted!

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Re: J (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I do have so many but I have informed my doctor that I do not take what is prescribed. I am moving out of the country to a place where they do not give this medication, hence I am saving for a rainy day. I do need my medication since I have a herniated disk that kills me. I do suffer a lot of pain and as I stated, I do not always get my medication when they are due. Sometimes I wait a week or two so I do not have as many as one would like to believe. I just do not know what the doctor will do since my level will be low. Just have to explain to him again and will take my medication in for him to count it. Any more advice will be welcomed...

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Just curious, if you are only taking 5mg a day then how would your pill count be accurate? You would have a ton of extras, not an accurate pill count. Not accusing you of doing anything wrong, just curious. As to your question about the urinalysis, if they are running a lab test to check your levels then yes your levels would be really low. A lot of the time though they are just running a basic test to make sure the medication is in your system. In that case you would be fine.

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