Etoricoxib Forums
Recently active Etoricoxib forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Etoricoxib and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.what is the use of enractin tablet? I got muscular tear in my right knee a few days back. Its painful and its extremely difficult to walk. along with this I have also been given etoricoxib-120 mg tablets. ## Enractin contains bromelain 90 mg, rutoside trihydrate 100 mg and trypsin 48 mg. These are digestive enzymes, used to help with digestive problems, which are also believed to help with inflammation. Learn more: Trypsin Details Bromelain Details Rutin Details Etoricoxib is a Cox-2 inhibitor that's used to treat pain and swelling. Etoricoxib Details Are there any other questions? ## I have one more query. The doctor has prescribed etoricoxib tablets for two weeks and enractin for ten days. I read somewhere on the internet that etoricoxib should not be taken regularly for more than...
I am suffering with enkylosing sapondylitus dr advice take upto two years nucoxia 90 regularly is it safe drug ## Hi, Gagan! How are you feeling? Nucoxia contains the active ingredient Etoricoxib, it is a selective COX-2 inhibitor that's used to treat pain and inflammation. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and upset stomach. Learn more Nucoxia details here. It's no more risky or safe than any other medication on the market. Much of it really depends on you and how your body reacts to it. Did you discuss your concerns with your doctor? ## dear sir i a m r b thapa pl..... infrom nucoxia 90 ## hi i want to knw why use nucoxia 90 ......i mean to say which patiean use nucoxia 90
I have been perscribed tendocare 1 tab daily for knee pain due asteoarthiritis along with etoricoxib tab and cartigen. I am also on medication for ldl. Is it safe and effective medicine.. ## I have ganglion on my suggested tendocare for 7 days..1 tablet a day...but still not tendocare tablet useful in ganglion??
Doctor adviced my wife to take Etrabax 90 for her Hips muscle pain. is that right medicine ? Please help. ## for what Etrobax - 90 is used ## Etrabax 90 for her Hips muscle pain. is that right medicine ? Please help. ## Etrobax contains the active ingredient Etoricoxib, which is a Cox-2 selective inhibitor that's primarily use to treat arthritic conditions by relieving pain and inflammation. Learn more Etrobax details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation. Are there any comments or questions? ## I m Diogenes positive CRP
1din main kitne dose la sakte hai ## @md eisa, I don't necessarily understand the mix of languages in your description, but as far as symptoms are concerned, Nucoxia (Etoricoxib) may cause the following side effects: Weakness Fatigue Dizziness Headache Flu-like illness Diarrhoea Wind Nausea Indigestion (dyspepsia) Stomach pain or discomfort Heartburn Changes in blood tests related to your liver Swelling of the legs and/or feet due to fluid retention (edema) Increased blood pressure Heart palpitations If you happen to experience any adverse effects that are too bothersome or severe, I would suggest contacting your doctor immediately just to be on the safe side. I hope this info helps to answer your question! ## I hv got chemotherapy yesterday and forgot to take nucoxia60 in morning.w...
Is this a muscle relaxant alone or NSAID also? How different form voveron or combiflam? ## Nucoxia is just a NSAID, it contains the active ingredient Etoricoxib, which is in the Cox-2 selective inhibitor class. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and headache. Learn more: Voveran contains Diclofenac, which is in the straight NSAID class and Combiflam is very similar, but contains the NSAID Ibuprofen, with Paracetamol. Are there any other questions? ## hi, two week ago i am suffering from cervical sponylisis.before & after that i have pain in shoulder (firstly left side & now right too). my Family doctor give Tab Nucoxia for the same. after taking it ,i feel much better for a week & again then pain starts, please suggest the name of dieses ..
Drug Prescribed for pain in knee joint ## Etrik contains the active ingredient Etoricoxib, it is a Cox-2 Selective Inhibitor that's used to treat pain and swelling. Learn more Etrik details here. Are there any other questions or comments?
For how long should one take Nucoxia 60 mg ? Does prolonged use have any side effects? ## Nucoxia contains the active ingredient Etoricoxib, which is a COX-2 selective inhibitor that's used to treat pain, fever and swellling. Side effects may include nausea, headache, dizziness and stomach irritation. Learn more Etoricoxib details here. Is there anything else I can help with?
do etoricoxib 90mg tablets contain10mg of diazepam? ## No, if they are listed as being Etoricoxib, then that is exactly what they contain, since that is a generic and the active ingredient. It is a Cox-2 selective inhibitor. Learn more: ## they say they are etoricoxib arcoxia?
I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Initially I was given muscle relaxants and other pain reliever drugs such as Felxura 400, Aceproxyvon, Epry 50, etc. along with stringent physical exercise. Now, my doctor advised me to stop all medicines and take only Shine 10 mg along with physical exercise to continue very religiously. What is this Shine 10 mg meant for ? Does it have any side effect ? I hope, I am under right way of treatment. ## Doctor prescribed me Shine 10mg. and I am taking regularly. Does it have any side effect? ## All medications carry the risk of causing side effects, even over the counter products. According to what I've found, this contains Etoricoxib, which is a Cox-@ selective inhibitor that's used to treat the pain and swelling associated with arthritic c...
OUR PATIENT HAVING MULTIPLE MYELOMA CANCER WAS GIVEN ETROBAX 90 MG FOR PAIN RELIEF ,,,ARE THEIR ANY SIDE EFFECTS OF THIS DRUG ,,IS IT SAFE AND HOW STRONG IS IT FOR THE SAFETY OF THE KIDNEYS ## Etrobax contains the active ingredient Etoricoxib, a Cox-2 inhibitor for pain relief. All medications carry the risk of side effects, with this drug they can include: nausea, drowsiness, stomach irritation and headache. I am not sure how it affects the kidneys, there is no information on this listed. Does anyone else know? ## Etrobax tab.90 what is side effects this tab. ## side effects of etrobax tablets ## does etrobax 90 has any side effect if used once in a week
get me the details of this tab ## The active ingredient in this is Etoricoxib, a Cox-2 inhibitor, commonly used to treat pain from inflammation and arthritic conditions. ## Dear sir, Pls. give the information about etrobax 120 this medicine for which purpose use and what is the side effects. Thanks. ## Etrobax has had severe side effects in my case, I was asked to take two tabs per day, mor/night, gradually my face swelled every morning, and by a week or so, I had swollen feet. I was administered with Antihystemine tab called Cetzine to reduce the reaction. Better not to take Etrobax if one is allergic ..!! ## To answer Mastan, I was prescribed Etrobax as Anti Inflammatory for a bone/muscle condition in my back. Was suffering from excruciating pain. ## my doctor prescribed me to take et...
What are the effects and side effects of Nucoxia 60 ## Nucoxia (Etoricoxib) is approved in more than 70 countries worldwide but not in the US, where the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires additional safety and efficacy data for etoricoxib before it will issue approval. Current therapeutic indications are: treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, chronic low back pain, acute pain and gout. Note that approved indications differ by country. Due to lack of information available, I have not been able to locate sufficient side effect information as of yet. However you can view more details about this drug by clicking on the link below: Hope this helps!
Dear sir, Pls. give me the information of this medicine. This medicine which purpose use and what is the side effects. Thanks ## Sold in the US under the brand name Etoshine, Etoricoxib is a new Cox-2 inhibitor, used to treat chronic pain conditions. ## i got gout and the Doctor in Myanmar give me this Etoshine 90. Not sure what it is, please email or post. appreciated.