Ethionamide Forums

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Can you please provide me the new list of drugs which are included in schedule H 1? ## kindly provide me list of 46 newly added molecules comes under schedule H1. ## Can u plz send d list of drugs under schedule h1 ## Can u plz povide me list of drugs included in new H1 shedule ## please send me list of drugs name of schedule h1 list ## Plz send me the list of h1 sheduled.drugs ## Kindly send me list of drugs under schedule H1, & which was restricted by Govt. fot OTC ## I shall be greatful if you could post me a list of 46 Molecules under schedule H1 for my personal knowldge. thanks ## please send me list of schedule H1 drug ## plz send schdule h1 drug list ## Provid me the drug name list of sheadul H1 Drug list ## PLEASE SEND ME LIST OF SEHEDULE H1 DRUDS ## kindly send us a new lis...

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