Estrogel Forums
Recently active Estrogel forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Estrogel and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.after using the meprate tablet of 10 mg for 5 days like per day morning 1 and evening 1 by how many days minimum ladies will be getting periods ## I m taking meprate tablet for getting period regular.i m 31 years ## I had laproscopic for an anti mullar hormone, and haven't had my regular period now. I used meprate tablets to induce my period but it's been almost 7 days of using these tablets and I still didn't have my period. ## hi,I'm 33years,I have hydrosalpinx..I had lapscropy and hysteroscopy in June..married for seven years but unable to conceive a baby also..after operation doctor gave me a estrogel,meprate n foil acidi..after taking this medicine I had a periods but now I took the meprate it's been already 10days stopping the meprate,I'm not getting my per...
I just turned 50; been having terrible night sweats for past 3-5 years. Last year I had a uterine ablation/removal of polyps, so have not had my period for almost a year (yeah!). However I am probably periodically ovulating. More recently have been having waves of panic. My obgyn put me on estrogel (1pump at night) and prometrium 10 days ago. She said If I still have night sweats after 1 week, take 2 pumps of the estrogel. My question are 1) is it normal to have abdominal cramping on/off while taking estrogel? and if not, should I still increase to 2 pumps since the night sweats have not changed? 2) When I had my hormone levels checked last year my estradiol was 122; is this too high to be taking estrogel? I would appreciate any words of wisdom here. Thanks. ## Just curious. Did your ab...