Escitalopram Forums (Page 6)
Recently active Escitalopram forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Escitalopram and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I found a round white pill scored on one side with an I on one side of slash and G on the other. Reverse side has 251 on it. ## Hello, Judy! How are you? This taler contain 20mgs of Escitalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank you
p0ls help how to prevent myself from side effects of nexito 10 ## Nexito contains the active ingredient Esctalopram, which is an SSRi antidepressant and there really isn't any way to avoid most side effects, they will happen, if they are going to happen. Some of them, such as nausea and dizziness may be prevented by making sure you don't take it on an empty stomach. However, if you experience others, they will usually just wear off with time, as your body gets used to the medication. Learn more Escitalopram details here. Are there any other questions? ## Is there any problems after stopping of taking medicine ## i took nexito two years back for a period of 3 months. at that time i have suffered from continous yarning(20 times) and i feel sleepy not able to concenttrate on studie...
I'm using Lexamil 40mg a day and found out yesterdat that I'm 6 weeks pregnant. Is it save to use Lexamil and what are the adverese effects on the fetus? I'm also using Seroqual 50mg and would like to know what the adverse effects is of this medication as I do not wish to cause my unborn child any damage. Thank you very much ## Lexamil contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, it is an SSRI antidepressant. It is considered safe to use for the first 6 months of pregnancy, but when used during the last 3 months, the U.S. FDA has found it to cause harm to the baby. You should discuss this with your doctor, because you will need to decide if the benefits to you outweigh the possible risks. Seroquel contains the active ingredient Quetiapine, it is used to treat various mental ...
Pharmacy says it is escitalopram but my normal pills are round. These are oval. ## Hello, Pnuts! How are you? The shape, size and color doesn't actually mean anything. And yes, your pharmacy is correct, this tablet does contain 10mgs of Escitalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?
How is Censpram 5 mg useful for type 2 diabetic patient. I am a type 2 diabetic patient and my doctor has prescribed me for avoiding switching to Insulin. Please can someone confirm this as i did not find any benefits or connection of diabetes or censpram 5 mg on interntet. ## Hello, Guarav! How are you? From what I've found, it's listed as containing Escitalopram, which is a type of antidepressant, so it's not going to do anything to help with diabetes from what I know of it. Have you tried asking your doctor? Are you sure that's the correct medication?
I am taking nexito 20 from 2 years. Can you please tell the side effects of the tablet. ## Nexito contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, it is an SSRI antidepressant and it's side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and weight gain. Learn more Nexito details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Dear sir, I am taking NEXITO 40 MG since past 3 years. I have lost my libido and have no feeling of orgasm. How can i reverse these side effects. ## due to doctor's wrong treatment, i was taking nexito 20 for 5months,nexito 10 for 7 months & nexito 5 for 1, i am trying to withdraw this medicine...after withdrawing, i am feeling drowsiness,dry mouth,head ache,mood,please help me to survive.....what i will follow the rules...
it was given because i was quite in depression n tension ..... my capacity to tolerate was finish ## This medication combines an antidepressant with a Benzodiazepine, that can help with anxiety and nervous disorders. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, headache and irritability. You can learn more about these medications at the following links: Is there anything else I can help with? ## any side effects by using Escitalopram & Clonazepam Tablet under doctors observetion ## Nagendra, the side effects are listed in my prior post, they can include: nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability and you can learn more at the following links: Are there any other questions or comments? ## Hi what is the uses of escitalopram & Clonazepam Tablet . please give me the r...
i am having nexito forte for three years. i am having pain in my knee joints and the entire leg for two months. Is it for nexito forte ? ## Nexito Forte contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, which is an antidepressant and yes, it can cause this in some people, as a rare side effect, but it would be very unusual for it to show up after you have been taking it for years. Have you contacted your doctor? Was your dosage recently changed? ## I am using Nexito forte for the past 4 years and now I switched over to Nexito Plue. Will it have any side affects? ## I am using nexito plus from 3 days after 7 days doctor has advised me to take nexito forte, I want to learn what is the side effect to take this medecine. I have been suffering from O.A.(Both Knee) and also Blood pressure . please...
I used espiride for a year while breastfeeding, not realizing it is a antideppresant. That was in 2011. A few months ago my dr prescribed lexamil to me for chronic tired syndrome? I have gained 7kg in six months? Is espiride and lexamil more or less the same? I would rather use espiride? ## Hello, Es! How are you? Actually, the Espiride contains Sulpiride, which is an atypical antipsychotic, though it is also used to treat major depressive disorder, it is not an actual antidepressant. But the Escitalopram in the Lexamil is an SSRI class antidepressant. As to going back to it, have you discussed the issue with your doctor? What are you taking them to treat?
Facing dry mouth, thurst, fast hunger, fatigue,sleepyness,drowzyness after taking the s-zetalo 10mg. Asis sarkar ## Szetalo contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant and it can cause those side effects in some people that take it. Learn more Escitalopram details here. Is this first of this class of medications that you've tried? ## Is szatalo plus increases cholestarol level? ## Is szatalo plus increases cholestarol level? How to reduce costocondritic pain?
I switched from Zoloft to this generic of Lexapro (Escitalopram 10 mg.) as I was quite wired with Zoloft and couldn't cry. It has been about 8 weeks now and I am not feeling better on the Escitalopram or that it is doing anything. This script is from Walmart with notation (1/G) on front and (250) on back of pill with bold 448 on pkg. of pills to note manufacturer. Is there a difference with manufacturers and drug stores as far as potency? Has anyone else used this particular one? If so, what was your results? ## Hello, Tony! How are you? Actually, it's just likely the Lexapro isn't working for you and you'll need to try something else. There are many others available that you can discuss with your doctor. What are you taking it to treat? ## Thanks Verwon for replying. I ...
Hi i started with LEXAMIL for the first time yesterday, abt and hour i took it i felt nausea to a vomitting extent, had hot flushes, thought i was gona die, havent taken today nor have i had anything to eat, i do feel hungry but just too scared to eat. ## Lexamil contains the active ingredient Escitalopram and while it has been known to cause some nausea, it shouldn't cause the hot flashes. Learn more Lexamil details here. Did you end up taking anymore of them? ## How are u doing now-still on lexamil-i have started 8days ago-nausea left,but I'm not hungry AT all.
Small round white pill found in my granddaughter drawer.. One side has 10 on it the other side has 11 over 36.. Top number is 11 and bottom number is 36 ## Hello, Nanna! How are you? This tablet contains 10mgs of Escitalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant. Its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Escitalopram details here. Is there anything else I can help with?
I'm diagnosed as having Bipolar 2. I take Lamictin 25 - 1x tablet twice a day, Trepiline - 2x tablet @night, Dopaquel - 1x @night, Escitalopram - 1.5 in the morning, Urbanol - 2x tablets a day. I'm trying to loose about 5kg. I'm watching my eating habits & I use my Orbitrack 3x a day for 30 minutes. I have not lost 1kg in 2weeks. Does that make sense? I have been told that the problem could be the Lamictin. I'm not sure if it could be that or a combination of the tablets. Please let me know what you think? ## Hi Betty, Sorry to hear about your challenges with weight while taking this medication. From what I could gather, weight gain isn't something that's generally associated with Lamictin (lamotrigine). The Lamotrigine Details drug article actually shows ...
please tell me the name of this pill. It is round and white it has EG 20 on one side and M on the other side. ## Hello, Foster! How are you? So far, I've been unable to find a listing for this tablet in any of the resources that I've checked. Can you please double check the imprint and post back? I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this tablet? ## It is Escitalopram (lexapro) 20mg
i m in depression for last 5yrs , 1st i was advice for Tab . stalopam plus, 1 tab noon time daily after 4 and half year my dr. change the tab NEXITO FORTE, 1tab noon time daily and i m alcoholic too at evening time . so is their more chance of any side effect to me KINDLY ANS PLS ## Hello, Sunil! How are you? Yes, it is a very bad idea to drink alcohol when you're taking any prescription medication. It can intensify the side effects, so you can experience much more drowsiness, dizziness and nausea, than normal. Learn more Nexito Forte details here. Additionally, alcohol causes depression, so you're really just making yourself worse by imbibing. Are there any other questions or concerns?
Can I drink sometime when I am taking cipralex 10 mg? ## Hello, Jack! How are you? It is never a good idea to drink alcohol, when taking any prescription medication. Cipralex contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant. If taken with alcohol, it can cause a worsening of the side effects, making one drink affect you the same as two and etc. Learn more Escitalopram details here. Due to the possible effects on your stomach and cardiovascular system, it's best to abstain, unless your doctor specifically says it's okay for you to do so. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I am taking cipralex which is the same aslexaproIn think.Escitalopramoxalate 10 mg... Anyway... Have been reading alot and trying to figure out if its worth it. But as far as ...
Hi, I've been taking Szetalo 10mg for 1 year and now I want to stop or at least reduce the frequency in which I take this tablet. I'm hoping to avoid certain side effects like weight gain, drowsiness, dry mouth etc. I had stopped taking it for only 5 days and later felt dizzy and fainted. How can I safely get off of this medication? ## HI, Kittu! Sorry about the problem that you're having. Szetalo contains the active ingredient Escitalopram and these antidepressants usually needed to be very slowly tapered to prevent the type of withdrawal effects that you experienced, as well as possible rebound depression and anxiety. The preferred method recently has been to have the patient start skipping days, such a taking it for a day then skipping a day. That is done for a week or so...
my mother have lung cancer.the dr prescribe lexamil with her pain pills.she is in a sleepy mode and can't speak properly ,could the drug be to strong.i have taken it away. she used it 3 days. ## Hello, Nellie! How is your mother doing? First of all, unless you are a doctor yourself, you shouldn't take any medication away from your mother. The only people qualified to make that decision are your mother and/or her doctor. Lexamil contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, it is an SSRI antidepressant and it could cause those types of things as side effects, especially if the dosage is too high for her. Learn more Lexamil details here. However, those symptoms could also be caused by her pain medications, especially if any of them are narcotic opiates. Has her doctor been consulte...
I have been using C-Pram S 10 for 2 years and my weight has increased from 92kg to 112kg... Does this medication have any side effects? I take this every day in the morning along with Ramister 2.5 mg. ## All medications carry the risk of causing side effects, even over the counter products. C-Pram S contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, which is an SSRI class antidepressant and they are well known to cause weight gain. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. Ramistar contains the active ingredient Ramipril, which is an ACE inhibitor that's used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. This class of medications can also cause weight gain. Other side effects may include nausea, headache and hypotension.