Errin (norethindrone) Birth Control Tablet (Top voted first)


Does anyone have more information about these birth control pills?

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I've been having a lot of problems this last month or so. Joint and muscle pain, fatigue, heart palpitations, nausea, wearing a heart monitor now and having some extra blood work done but the nurse suggested I check into my birth control to see if this could be causing the problems. This week has been so bad I barely have been able to get out of bed. Anyone else have similar symptoms?

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How long have you been taking it?

The hormones it adds to help prevent pregnancy can cause issues for some women, and of course, it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, weight changes, and irregular vaginal bleeding.

Ref: DailyMed

This one contains Norethindrone, a form of Progestin, and when I tried it by itself, I also experienced similar symptoms.

Are you on any other medications?

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