Erceflora Drug
Updatederceflora (bacillus clausii)
This is a drug provided by Sanofi Aventis in the Phillipines, therefore, I can't find much information on it. Foreign drugs are just not regulated like US prescription meds.
Here's the Sanofi site, you might be able to get more information from them about it:
I'd like tio have many informations about the drug erceflora
what are the mechanism of action of erceflora
Erceflora (Bacillus clausii), it was prescribed to a family member when she suffered diarrhea from contaminated food. I assume this is very safe, since the victim is an infant.
i would like to know about the mechanism of action of erceflora and its adverse effect? and what if this drug is given intravenously?
what is erceflora?
can you mix this with, like, juice?so that it will be easier for the child to take the medicine...
what is erceflora?its indication?mechanism of action? and what are the nursing responsibilities in administering this drug?
they must at least put the essential info for this HARD TO FIND ERCEFLORA...for the fact that this is medicine,, and its no joke once that it is enters the body...
Erceflora is a preparation consisting of suspension of Bacillus clausii spores, normal inhabitants of the intestine, with no pathogenic powers. Administered orally, Bacillus clausii spores, due to their high-resistance to both chemical and physical agents, cross the barrier of the gastric juices reaching unharmed the intestinal tract where they are transformed into metabolically active vegetative cells.
The administration of Bacillus clausii contributes to the recovery of the intestinal microbial flora altered during the course of microbial disorders of diverse origin. Bacillus clausii is capable of producing various vitamins, in particular group B vitamins, hence it contributes to correcting the consequent vitamin disorders caused by antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents in general. Bacillus clausii makes it possible to obtain a non-specific antigenic & antitoxic action, closely connected with the metabolic action of clausii.
But where can you buy it online??
Erceflora, it's classification, mechanism of action and indication and nsg considerations
where are its clinical evidences? does it a proboitic or just claims??
it is not recommended by any of health authority international or local,,,
its mechanism of action is just simply spores,, it cannot trigger the main cause of diarrhea, so administering antibiotic it will just die,
Erceflora drug Is it ok for infants
What if it was given intravenous? What are the posible effect?
Maybe how it cause the bacillus clausii erceflora in the philippine money.
Wrong on every point mentioned.
It is regularly prescribed for infants during bouts of diarrhea of microbial origin.
It has resistance to antibiotics so it will remain during a.b. treatment.
The spores will survive the gastric acidity and develop into beneficial bacteriae in the intestines, competing with the pathogenic bact.
B. claussii even reinforces the immune system.
After i drink ecflora the acid seems in my esophagus. Is this okay?
Why administer I.V ,when the problem is in the G.I.T?
Think again.
Most Recent Replies:
Is it safe to give Erceflora to my 2-year-old child? If it is ok, what is the recommended dosage?
I want to know what the side effects of erceflora are? Also, is it used as a nebule or for inhalation?
I inhaled a nebulized erceflora. Is it dangerous? My son inhaled it too so now I'm bothered. I just want to ask, what are the possible side effects?
Re: erika (# 10)
Gd day mam.what if erceflora taken accidentally it safe for a 2 y.o.bby..ty
My bf inhaled a nebulized Erceflora. Is it dangerous? Is there any side effect if this was inhaled?
Can Erceflora be taken by adults? If so, what is the correct dosage for adults?
Can i still use erceflora kept in a freezer but is not yet expire?
My 9-month-old baby is having loose bowel movements... I want to know what the right dosage of Erceflora is for him?
Hi! My baby is having diarrhea. My question is, is it okay to give bacillus clausii erceflora mixed with milk as a single feeding? Thank you.
Good day! My 3-year-old daughter is having diarrhea. How many vials of Erceflora should I give her in a day? Please reply asap. Thank you!
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