Enzoflam Side Effects & (Top voted first)


I am 77 yrs.old.I have severe knee pain,can I use enzoflam for longer period or as side effect of enzoflam may I suffer from other disease also ? Pl give me proper guidance


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Enzoflam contains the active ingredients Diclofenac, Paracetamol and Serratiopeptidase, it is used to treat pain and inflammation.

Learn more Diclofenac details here.

Learn more Paracetamol details here.

Learn more Serratiopeptidase details here.

And yes, long-term use of this medication could result in stomach ulceration and/or liver damage, so it shouldn't be used longer than your doctor has recommended.

How long have you been on it?

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I have severe right knee pain. Ostio arthritis. Cannot stand for long or cannot walk much. I am scared to take pain killer medicines because of side effects. I do take when I know I have a busy day, like going out or travelling. When I take enzoflam I am fine. Earlier when I used to take would ease me for 4 days now only 2 days I am fine. I have throbbing pain also on left side of my riht knee. I am frustrated and don't know what can help me. I want to avoid TKR. Plz suggest. Will appreciate.

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i have some inflammation in my genital area more specifically around my vagina. can i take enzoflam. will it help me?

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