Enrofloxacin Forums
Recently active Enrofloxacin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Enrofloxacin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.is mietazapine safe for cats? what side affects are there? what is a safe dose for a 7 or8 lb cat? should it be given 2 days after thoracic duct ligation surgery and pericardiectomy subphrenici surgery when the cat is willingly eating syringe-fed chicken baby food and had eaten nearly 3 jars of chicken baby food (300 kc)? one hour after 3.75 mls of mirtazipine, she started screaming, lost her balance, never ate again, worsened each day, soon could not walk at all, rare y woke up, her blood pressure dropped more each day, despite vet starch boluses, blood trasfusions and increased fluids, developed fluid in her abdominal cavity, stressed breathing, low temp., died one week later. ## Hello, Roberta! How are you? I am very sorry about the loss of your furbaby! That's so very sad. Unfor...