Endocet 10 325 Mg
Updatedjust read something interesting on wiki-answers.com: that Endocet & Percocet NB are the exact same formula, same exact ingredients, (no different fillers or anything), made by the same company, (Endo).
So, for those that need NB & cannot afford the cost, Endo is the answer !
Hi Joe G,
Thank you for this information! I'm sure it is a great deal of help to those who need a cheaper option. I wonder if there is any other information or sources out there that make the same claims. If anyone else knows of anything, please post back!
Where do I find ENDOCET 10/325 in MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS area?
My pharmacist FINALLY (after me whining about this for months) told me the real reason that pharmacies are not carrying Endocet anymore. They are told not to order it because the pharmacy does not make any money on Endocet. I knew it! Percoset is the same, in regards to alleviating pain (for me that is), but about 3X more in cost (if you have insurance). I have tried the alternative (oxycodone), but the side effects were too much for me to handle, not to mention I did not get anywhere near the same pain relief. So we have had to adjust our family budget in order to pay for Percoset (for the rest of my life). As usual, those who see the profits (AKA Money Rules the World/stockholders) win yet again. The middle class keeps getting it in The End.
Sicky - you are absolutely correct! When I had my script filled last month for a 90 day supply, my W/C insurance paid $50.00 less than they did in Dec. - my pharmacist said she was losing $55.00, & wouldn't fill it. I said I would pay the difference, which she said was illegal - but after realizing that I need this crap for life, agreed to work with me. My budget is shot to hell, but what else do we do?. Thank God I don't drink - or maybe I should start !!
90-day supply on a narcotic? Man, am I getting fleeced by my pain management doc! Or maybe it's a state law (I live in MD). Each time, which is once a month, I go in to JUST pick up my scripts I have to pay $110 (we're now on that stupid HSA plan with a very high deductible), and all I am doing is picking up my scripts. Where is this health care reform, and how is this Health Savings Plan saving ME any money? Oh yea. I forgot. I am not one of those stockholders or CEOs.
Sicky - I was as surprised as you when the Doc handed me a 90 day script, really thought I'd have a hard time with it, but it's been working ok. Here's where the trouble is: in the 20 yrs since I've been injured, my pain Docs will only give a 30 day supply, no more, but def. less if you don't watch them !
Went to my family Dr for a while, because like you, $150 just to walk in the door to get those 2 pieces of paper - no exam, no Dr., just 2 scripts, I couldn't afford it any longer. So after a few visits to my family Doc, he said; 'This is ridiculous, here's a 90 day supply, come back in 90 days & we'll do it again. I know you're injured, I've got all the reports, films, tests, & nothing is going to change - you're 50something yrs old & this is how the rest of your life is going to be - just come in for your annual physical, and whatever other sick visits may be necessary, and we'll keep the foolishness to a minimum"!!. He's a young guy, but is surprisingly understanding. Took me 20 yrs to find this Sweetheart. But, the way the DEA is here in GA., I don't know how long it will last.
I live in Kenai Alaska and I've got a real jackass for a pain management doctor her name is Andrea Trescot. So if anyone reads this that lives here be careful of her. All she cares about is giving you pills her way and not what works to control your cronic pain. If anyone does live in my area or has had dealings with her any where else I'd like to hear from you. You may write me at P.O.Box 1217 Kenai,Alaska 99611 You all are in my prayers
You think wiki-answers is a valid source of information? Lol.
I hate to be the voice of disappointment.... but Endocet & Percocet are NOT the same formula. I am allergic to Endocet, & not allergic to Percocet. So YES there ARE different fillers!
Hi everyone I'm just stopping by to say Happy New Year and I pray that everyone is doing a lot better. In my last stop here last July I left an address that I've had to get rid of so don't write to it because the letter will just go back to you. Sorry but with the High Price of pain pills I need just put two words together I had to go down to the bare bone on my budget. Everyone is always in my prayers. God Bless You.
Endo sucks. Try taking that garbage after a major operation. You will then "get it"
Ask your pharmacy to order it. CVS has no problem ordering 180 per month.
Please send me a post offline regarding this endocet situation as I have one just about the same. Call me {edited for privacy}.
I take endocet and I love it. Brand name was awful for me! It made me so sick and tired. I have a mom and pop pharmacy that carries it and they can get any brand. I don't have any side effects and it works for my pain even better then watson did. I thought brand name was the worst of them all. They are definitely not the same.
Thats strange as I just had my percocet 10/325 filled at a small pharmacy in Ok. They gave me indocet 10/325 but to me it doesnt seem to work as well as the oxycodone 10/325. Im wondering if maybe it could be an expired batch.
Brand name Percocet and endocet are made by the same company. Just because something us Brand name, doesnt mean its the strongest or better of the bunch. Watson Percocet worked better in pain relief and if u ask any watson fans, theyd tell u it was the strongest and nothing, including brand, comes close to managing pain as well. As far as Endocet goes, when referring to their formula, its as close to brand Percocet as ur gonna get, but again, that doesnt make it the strongest. To each is own....what works for one, may not another. You just have to experiment with different manufacturers n see what works for you.
Did you go to the allergist & get checked, as this will be my next move. I have been taking Watson 10/325 for years with NO side effects & NO PAIN, & then tried activis (ended up in ER), Vicodin (can't stay AWAKE or function), & 2 other pain killers that I tried that don't take the pain & miserable side effects, so I was told by my Pharmacist to get checked for the Inactive ingredients, but that he thought ENDOCET will probably work for me, as ALOT of his customers have gone to that...so TIRED & IN pain ALOT!!!
Miss Jennifer You said a mouth full when you said some pills/meds might work for me/you but not for others. Why can't DOCTORS realize that? My Doctors new helper messed with my tramadol last Thursday and I could have clocked her. Everyone is in my prayers. God Bless You Everyone.
AnnB...youd b surprised what drs play off in hopes of patients not knowing. I didnt know all I know now until actavis was replacing the Watson's earlier this year at my pharmacy. Drs know all this crap but when ur a pm patient, u treated differently cause all of the f ups who abuse their meds. For exsmple....our scripts call for 10/325 Percocet. ...obviously our meds r suppose to have 10mgs of Percocet in them when in fact, its only like 8.7 mgs or something like that...I know its 8. Something. ...n the 7.5 mgs have like 6.2 n so forth.....none have the full dose they say they do. ...drs know this, but they'll never tell u or admit it. All these meds use different formulas, things that bind them, things that tell how n where it breaks down in ur system n all these different formulations effect people differently. If they were all exactly the same, there wouldnt b so many drug companies pumping out the same meds. Unfortunately, its all a numbers game to these pharmaceutical companies. ..just the wrong numbers to benefit us. All they care about is making the most money in the least expensive ways n for that reason alone, the quality and effectiveness of the meds we need r getting worse n worse....ive read n learned so much crap about our pain meds its crazy!
Hello Jennifer,
I have read your blog on endocet & Percocet & if this is true, I will be almost out of pain but I'm sure not as much as my old oxycodone by Watsons 10/325. I was SO happy to see this. I was just going to go to an allergist to see which Inactive ingredients have been sending me to er, ect., but I was wondering if this endocet is made by endo (if it still exists) or I think my pharmacy has Qualitest endo. Thanks, & I'll be looking for your response.
Hi Kay. ....endocet is made by endo pharmaceuticals. ....the same company that makes brand Percocet. Its a yellow oval pill. Some people are sensitive to the dyes....some arent. Girl, u dont even know....id chew through concrete if I knew a bottle of Watson's Percocet was waiting on the other side! NOTHING out there will control ur pain as well as Watson's did. Now I only speak for people who only used Watson's before they were extinct. If u were a watson fan, u will never find better pain relief from another oxycodone/acetaminophen drug. I am on endocet now....it doesn't help me near as well, but it helps better than others ive tried. Mallinkrodt did about the same as the endocet. ...n theres no yellow dye in it. Now this is my opinion n from the many threads of opinions from others. Some ive read really like the endocet n feel its better than Watson's n gives them a kick of energy. ...some say they really like the mallinkrodt. But like myself, most have took to the endocet. Whatever meds u have tried that made u sick, u can google those meds n get the ingredients, write em down n see what ingredient they all share.....whatever u come up with may b one of the things making u ill....but to b honest, all these meds have side effects that can make u feel sick in different ways.....n u just might b one of those people who are effected by the side effects. ...I dont know about seeing an allergist? I cant see why a pharmacist would tell u that knowing these meds carry side effects? Anyway, I hope u do go n try the endocet n they help....keep us updated on what u decide n the results! Good luck!
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Sicky (# 3)
Have you tried using Good Rx? I use that a lot when my insurance gets greedy. I just looked up your med, Endo 10/325 and on Good Rx for 150 tabs the cost is somewhere around 20 bucks depending which pharmacy you use.
Re: glitter01abuse (# 8)
My opinion is that Endocet- Percocet
Is a different medicine then oxycodone & Percocet. Different people react different symptoms in their bodies. So yes I believe theirs a difference…
Can you still get Endocet 10/325? If so, to get a pharmacy to fill do u need to have dr. Write it specifically for Endocet, no substitute! I live in Alabama and cannot find a pharmacy that carries Endocet 10/325.
I live in ellis county t x and our HEB pharmacy carrys it.
I agree that Watson used to be on point. I haven't been able to come across those in a while. But I'm gonna try to get my Dr to write straight nb no Chaser.(Percocet)
When u go in they can write 3 months worth and date appropriately u can then leave all 3 at pharmacy if u r like me n lose every thing so it works n saves $.
Joe G. Percocet have slight dark specales in the tablets and Endocet is the same shape but slightly different color and texture. I did recieve the new Endocet yesterday made by Qualitest and so far they seem the same as the Endo pharmaceutical Endocet 7.5/325.
Momzof3 - You don't "feel high" with Endocet by Endo...your druggist didn't want to order it probably because he doesn't buy from that manufacturer! My drug store goes the extra mile & will order what works for people, so you may want to try another drug store. You may have found something by now that works as this is an old blog, but ENDOCET only by "ENDO" works well for me & I was on Watson Oxycodone 10/325 for years. This is CLOSE!
Jennifer~MY Endocet is made by ENDO~NOT Qualitest, however they make it too, but this one works much better for me. This has REALLY worked for me, & it is funny because the pharmacist said I am the only one that wants this! Good luck to you & I hope whatecer you are taking helps with your pain!
You are one in a million that likes Amnil. Endocet are very effective and with little side effect.to the other million people. You should use the best possible medication available to your health and Endocet/Percocet is the best period
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