Endless Headache After Stopping Contrave. (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have tried Contrave for two weeks now. While I did lose some weight I didn't feel very good. I started noticing that I was not able to think quickly like recalling names & somtimes when I would be talking my a random/ easy word would come out as if I was slurring my speech. So I stopped Contrave. Since stopping I have had pretty significant headache now for 6 straight days. Neither Advil or asprin seem to make it better. Was wondering if anyone else has stopped Contrave & experienced bad headaches?
5 Replies
Yes! I took it for a little over a month. Got up to 4 pills. The nausea was too much - weaned myself off and I have been feeling sick and tired ever since. Nausea still comes and goes and I've been off it 3 weeks. Last week in yoga I started getting nauseous and dizzy - it was awful. Does this medication get absorbed by fat? If it does will it take a while to detox after stopping it?
I'm miserable. Wish I never took it.
Hello, Meryl! How are you? I'm sorry about what you've experienced.
I was just reading over the detailed side effects of Contrave, as listed by the FDA and it has been known to cause those, along with nausea, headache, mood swings, dry mouth and insomnia.
As to the headache, you weren't on it for that long, so I think it would be best to see your doctor to have it checked out. It may be due to stopping it, but after such a short period of time, that would be very unusual.
Has anyone else experienced this?
The same exact thing has happened to both myself and a friend of mine. I have taken Contrave for a few wks, never could bring myself to take the 2 & 2 dosing. I had a procedure scheduled that would require me to take pain medication, so I stopped the Contrave, totally, a few days prior to my procedure. Within the next two days, I developed this dull pain in the occipital region of my head that went down my neck. The pain started last Thurs, today is Mon, my headache is still present. Tylenol, IBU, ASA even hydrocodone have barely been able to calm my head. This morning, however, I restarted my Contrave and am currently headache free. I think, as a lay person, that our brains become dependent on that good feeling that the Contrave produces, so when we stop it, our brains must let us know that we need it, ha. Plus, any time a person "cold turkeys" off of a med, there will be withdrawl and other notable changes within ourselves. Hope the info helps someone!
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I stopped taking it after about two weeks because I didn’t feel normal and was spacey. I have had some pretty severe headaches, insomnia and mood swings that I have never experienced before
I’m experiencing this right now. Had no unpleasant side effects while on it but it just wasn’t doing much for me, so came off of it to go another direction. That was around 5/2/18. Today is 5/17/18 and I have had a headache all day, everyday since. I’m beginning to go a little nuts. It is more intense at times. Sometimes a very sharp throbbing pain near my right temple, sometimes just a general dull aching over the entire right side of skull and back of head. My neck is aching too and seems to be part of the entire headache thing. I am wondering the same thing - will it ever end. It was my husband who pointed out that it started when I came off the contrave. I hadn’t put it together as I am highly allergic to the current seasonal pollens in my area right now and thought it was just that. I did not wean off the 4 pills unforunately. I was sick and hadn’t taken them in a few days so I just didn’t start again. Really disappointed that I didn’t research side effects of coming off the drug. My Dr is aware. I’m being monitored weekly at the moment to keep an eye on blood pressure- as I had a few random spikes over the last few weeks (during the withdrawl period). I go back in June for next follow up and if this headache isn’t completely gone by then, I’m requesting a CT scan. I can’t imagine a month and a half of headaches being any kind of normal.
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