Encorate Chrono (Page 2) (Top voted first)



27 Replies (2 Pages)

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How long should I take encorate 500? 2.5 years have passed.

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I have stoped using encorate chrono from 2 months.
I was using this from past 5 years.
What will happen?

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i am 42 years i had a fits on 12 feb, 2016 i am under treatment and used Encorate chrono 300 upto october 2016 and then day 200mg and night 300mg and after 3month i am 200mg 1 each day and night, and now from Feb, 2017 i am taking 200mg a night only. the doctor told to take a month upto April 12, 2017 and come for check up on 12 may, 2017.
But i am sometimes feeling mild and left migrane
if will be any problem if i stop taking as per doctor.

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Can Encorate chrono cause hyponatremia? How long one should continue this medication?

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Re: Roy (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Does Encorate Chrono 300 require a prescription?

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i am suffering from sivere head ache once before 4years , i consult the doctor t he prescribed me a tablet ENCORATE CHRONO 300 i have taken daily one tablet for continous four years it was cured till now, i had taken a CD Scan of Brain the doctor said there is no problem, pls help me to overcome from this.

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Hi, Kalidass,my gf also suffers shock fr her head for a few seconds and become normal agian.her symtons is like yours too.now she takes encorate 300 daily.hit me bak if u hav a chance

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