Empirin #3 (Top voted first)


Is this still available? It works!

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Empirin compound was the only pain reliever in my home when I was young (60+ years ago). From what I've read, it looks like it was simply aspirin, with no added ingredients, although it worked extremely well on a tooth ache. Was Empirin the forefather of aspirin?

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The compound, such as Empirin 3 contained Aspirin and Codeine, it was a mild opiate pain reliever. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache.

This medication combination is still available as a generic, and among other name brands. However, in the U.S. you do need a prescription from your doctor.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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