Eliquis Swelling In Feet And Legs


I have been on Eliquis for about a month. I have some itching, weight gain, and swelling in my legs and feet that has become very painful. Also frequent urination. They are taking me off the meds. Has anyone else had the swelling?

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I have had very painful burning and aching with some numbness on the soles of my feet for 3 months.After being blood-tested for every disease in the world,it dawned on me it might be the Eliquis. The doctors (3) assured me that the drug was an unlikely culprit.I went off the Eliquis on my own,and within a week all my "peripheral neuropathy" was gone.

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Hello, Glenda! How are you?

Yes, it is a known possible side effect of this medication, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising.

David, have you replaced it with a different medication? Others have reported pain similar to what you've experienced, as well.

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I'm on Xarelto blood thinner. I've had this 2 months. Dr. thinks it might be my heart. I have no idea whats causing it, i will have my heart checked out if its o.k. i don't know what to think.

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Is feet swelling a common side effect on eliquis? My friend is on 2.5 mg of eliquis is finding her feet are swollen. Is that common?

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My vet was on Eliquis for almost 3 mos and she had an attck! Her blood was thicker than prior to going on Eliquis! With that drug they don't do weekly or monthly blood work..Beware! apparently she is one of a few that can't take Eliquis! How are you suppose to know??

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Re: Maura (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

That’s scary! I guess if you give yourself a very small cut (either by accident but you could self inflict it) and it bleeds more easily or longer that usual, you’d know the eliquis is working as it is supposed to rather than it having the opposite effect that your vet unfortunately experienced.

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I have swlling in hands and lower legs dont hurt but definitly noticible and not cool started wabot a month after i started taking elequis.

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After taking first dosage of Eliquis both of my ankles and feet swelled up and were so painful I could not stand on them. Spent 4 days in hospital where they gave me predisone for a week that caused some of the swelling to go down. Ankles and feet are still swollen up slightly and still somewhat painful when walking/standing. I have been taking Eliquis for 25 days now.

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Have been on Eliquis for 45 days now. (5mg tablets). The foot/ankle swelling on leg without blood clot is now gone. Foot/ankle on leg with blood clot swelling has gone down considerably. Still having slight pain around the ankle. Have slight pain on the ball of both feet. Have been walking without assistance for the past 3 weeks. Due to the minor pain I am experiencing I have to shorten my stride and go at a slower pace. Was able to go back to work last week. Still elevating leg with blood clot when sleeping and off and on during the day. Progress has been slow but encouraged when I can see it.

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FYI - There is a list of side effects after first dosage on Eliquis website. Swelling and pain in joints is listed.

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Have been on eliquis for 60 days now. Still some swelling of ankle/foot on leg with blood clot. Walking 4000--5000 steps a day at work. ankle/foot is slightly red at end of day. I make sure to elevate it when I can during the day. Will have DVT scan at 90 days and hoping the blood will be dissolved by then.

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Sill slight swelling in ankle and lower leg that had blood clot. Have been wearing compression socks during this ordeal and they seem to help once I could walk again. Having ultrasound done this month and checkup with doctor. Have been walking 6000 steps a day when working. Exercising lightly 3 days a week.

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Re: Greg (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

After 90 days on Eliquis had DVT scan this week. Report shows blood clot completely resolved. My doctor has taken me off Eliquis. Was told it will take 2 weeks for the drug to completely be out of my system.

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